[직격인터뷰]Announcer Jiwon Kim “For leaving KBS, going to Oriental Medicine University”

Announcer Kim Ji-won is leaving KBS.  Photo|SNS of announcer Jiwon Kim

picture explanationAnnouncer Kim Ji-won is leaving KBS. Photo|SNS of announcer Jiwon Kim

[매일경제 스타투데이 양소영 기자]

Announcer Kim Ji-won (33) leaves KBS and starts a new challenge.

Announcer Kim Ji-won said in a telephone interview with Maeil Business Daily Star Today on the 15th, “I decided to leave KBS to go to Oriental Medicine University.”

“I continued broadcasting from the child role to the announcer. As I did, I felt the limit of speaking. I wanted to be a person who could talk about what I got after thinking about myself. I was thinking about going to graduate school, but I was worried about which area to study.”

Announcer Kim Ji-won said, “In the first place, I created and uploaded a secret method and insight video within my knowledge on YouTube, but this also has limitations. I spent a year as a patient because of burnout. I went to a lot of hospitals, but since I met oriental medicine, I thought I wanted to try it. After that, I submitted my resignation yesterday. I know you are going to be retired today,” he confessed.

Announcer Kim Ji-won also had a hard time with hyperthyroidism. When asked about his health status, he said, “I thought that was one problem, but my hyperthyroidism caused arrhythmia, and another one. I learned that it wasn’t just a matter of illness, I was exhausted. I went to the university hospital and tested it all, but there was no answer. After taking a break, my body has almost recovered.”

Lastly, announcer Kim Ji-won said, “I am planning to take the SAT this year by preparing hard,” and “I am not stopping my broadcasting activities.

It is open,” he said.

Meanwhile, announcer Jiwon Kim graduated from the Department of Japanese Language at Daeil Foreign Language High School and graduated from the Department of Journalism and Broadcasting at Yonsei University. He joined KBS in 2012. KBS’Challenge Golden Bell’,’News Plaza’ and’News 9’were held.

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
