[주재우의 퍼스펙티브] US and China compete for preemption in space to protect resources and weapon systems

Why the New Cold War in the Universe is inevitable

Jae-Woo Joo Professor, Department of Chinese Studies, Kyung Hee University

Jae-Woo Joo Professor, Department of Chinese Studies, Kyung Hee University

Strategic competition between the United States and China is fierce even in outer space. What are the two countries competing for in space? What are their goals and what strategic calculations did they start with? Will the competition between the two countries lead to a race for space supremacy? It is one of the most interesting issues to observers of recent US-China relations.

Xi Jinping announces expansion of diplomatic arena to space and virtual space
Trump made’Space Policy Ordinance’ legalize private space development
China’s’Badeu’ GPS system is matched with US GPS3
Space arms race is inevitable to protect advanced weapon systems

The space race between the US and China is not just a numbers fight. How many satellites and spacecrafts have been launched, and how many space stations have been established is a valid answer in the past. It was important for the convenience and convenience of mankind. And some of the curiosity about the universe could be resolved. However, as the 21st century enters, the space competition between the US and China is progressing through a rigorous, high-level and strategic battle.

Those who rule the universe, rule the future

One reason is that the competition for space strategy between the two countries inevitably leads to a competition for supremacy. To conquer the cosmic order. The conquest of the cosmic order is to define and establish the cosmic order. Those who rule the universe will dominate almost all fields of the future world, including economy, technology, environment, cyberspace, transportation, and energy. This is the same reason the United States is regarded as a dominant nation on Earth today. The United States is recognized as a dominant country because it reigns as the builder and head of the order of economy, finance, trade, politics, and diplomacy.

There are two areas in the world today where international order has not been established. One is the virtual space, that is, the cyber world. The other is the universe world. Since the order of the two worlds is closely related, it is highly likely that the establishment of order between the two will be promoted at the same time. This means that cyber order cannot be discussed without discussing the satellite issue.

The CCP recognized this early. At the 19th National Communist Party Congress in 2017, he expressed the justification for establishing a cosmic order. At this meeting, President Xi Jinping declared that the Chinese diplomatic arena in the 21st century transcends the Earth and extends into space and virtual space. It was the moment when China’s concept of diplomatic space was defined as a’universe’ beyond the Earth.

In the meantime, he explained that the provision of a system that can manage the order of the universe and the virtual world in the end means the establishment of practical governance. Therefore, it rationalized that China’s diplomatic horizon is bound to expand into space. Furthermore, he emphasized that he is convinced that this initiative of governance building will be the foundation of the human destiny community that China is pursuing. In other words, it publicly urged China to have the capacity and means to become a core country in the establishment of governance of the two spaces.

In response to this, the Trump administration in the United States has spared no effort for space science and technology development and space projects, which are the basis of the space order. Since the days of President George W. Bush, maintenance work has been carried out toward space supremacy. And President Obama also introduced a policy to encourage US private companies to participate in space projects to expand the foundation for space hegemony.

Jaewoo Joo's Perspective Graphics = Yongho Shin

Jaewoo Joo’s Perspective Graphics = Yongho Shin

It is President Trump who embodies all of this. He is the person who legalized the space development project of private companies under the’Space Policy Directive I’. And he thoroughly reflected his American’priority’ in the space business. For example, all substances, including minerals obtained from space, were no longer defined as’common goods’. It also promised that space activities by private companies in the United States would not be restricted by the International Space Treaty and the 1979 resolution of the United Nations Committee on Space Peace and Utilization.

The universe and the moon are known as the treasure trove of resources. As it became known that the scarcity of the Earth or the resources that would be depleted are extremely abundant outside the Earth and in the universe, it ignited the spark of space competition. This is the reason space competition is being promoted at a geopolitical level. However, in order to protect these geo-economic strategic interests, a geopolitical strategy must be accompanied. In other words, military defensive capabilities must be supported to protect the process of securing resources.

Concerned about this, the United Nations Space and Peace Utilization Committee strictly regulates the military use of space. However, the decisive factor driving the space competition today is that the logic of developing naval power to protect the long-distance overseas interests on Earth is reflected in the strategy of securing space profits.

Reporting of resources and future energy sources

There are three strategic interests driving the U.S.-China race for supremacy in space. First, it is an endless space resource. This is because of the infinite resources buried in more than 10,000 asteroids orbiting the Earth. It is known to be rich in carbon, zinc, cobalt, platinum, gold, silver, and titanium. For example, platinum and titanium can be sold for 30,000 to 50,000 dollars per kilogram.

Second, it is because the future energy source is in space. Power supply using sunlight becomes possible. It is a method of constructing a space power plant that condenses solar heat in the earth-moon area and transmitting it to the earth with a laser beam. It is known that the solar heat supplied here is 35 to 70% more powerful than that of the Earth. By 2100, 70 terawatts of energy will be required, and 332 terawatts are expected to be supplied through geostationary orbit space solar power generation.

Third, their desire to preoccupy space for supremacy established the relationship between the US and China in the structure of space competition. They started with different strategic interests, but in the end the goal is one common.

First of all, China wants to be free from the US GPS system. That way, they can prevent their future weapons systems from becoming vulnerable to US controls and restrictions. The goal of establishing the so-called’Space Silk Road’ is to be achieved by spreading China’s’Beijing’ GPS system to regional and national satellite and communication systems within the One Belt and One Road. The United States is also planning to invest $25 billion by 2025 to develop a GPS3 system with stronger defense capabilities from China’s space and cyberattacks.

Competition for the establishment of space stations between the US and China aimed at securing space strategy profits is inevitable. This is because the space station is fundamental to the establishment of the cosmic order. In this process, the space station has no choice but to be militarized because it is for the purpose of protection and defense from enemies. It is obvious that the result will lead to a space arms race. It is also the reason why the competition for space supremacy between the US and China has no choice but to take on the colors of the New Cold War even outside the Earth.

The universe is a blue ocean. It is a world without order. Therefore, preemption is important. In order to prepare the space order and accompanying laws, norms, and systems, the US and China are engaged in competition through space projects. This is because space is a decisive factor in the future energy, resources, environment, communications, and the operation of advanced military weapon systems. The universe is no longer a dream world.

Of course, it takes a lot of time for these strategic benefits to be realized. However, the 4th Industrial Revolution and the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology will accelerate the pace. This is because spacecraft can be recycled with the participation of private companies, and economic issues can be solved if space stations and facilities related to mineral mining equipment are provided with 3D printers.

The space competition between the US and China has great implications for the national interests of Korea. The government announced plans to invest 23 trillion won on solar power generation to secure clean energy. That’s one tenth of the US$21 billion budget of NASA. It can be a significant investment for private US companies.

Therefore, in the era of space competition, it is necessary to upgrade the ROK-US alliance. The ROK-US alliance should be used strategically to protect our satellites and satellite weapon systems and to secure eco-friendly energy sources in space. For that to happen, it is urgent to expand the capacity of Korean diplomacy into space beyond the Earth.

China is in front of the world’s third Mars landing country

The initiation of the US-China space strategy competition began with the US firearms introduced in the Afghanistan War in 2001 and the Iraq War in 2003. This is because weapon systems such as cruise missiles operated by GPS showed high precision strike capability. GPS is operated by relying on satellites. The best defense against such firearms is to sink satellites or block or interfere with GPS transmission and reception of satellites. China showed off its defense capability against satellites in 2007. Since then, China’s space science and technology has been taking the lead.

As of August 2020, there are 2787 satellites operating in space. The number of US satellites is the highest at 1425. There are 382 in China and 172 in Russia. In the third quarter of the same year, the world launched 327 satellites. 273 are commercial satellites and 11 are for military use. During this period, China launched 29 satellites. The US, on the other hand, has launched 27 satellites by August 2020, of which 15 are Elon Musk’s SpaceX satellites.

In 2003, the Chinese manned spacecraft Shenzhou 5 successfully returned. In 2011, the Tian Gong was successfully docked in space. In 2016, the manned ship Shenzhou 11 took the first step in establishing a docking and space station with the Tian Gong. In 2019, it landed on the back surface of the moon for the first time ever.

This year, after successfully launching the Mars spacecraft, China is scheduled to land on Mars in May and June. If successful, China will become the third country in the world to hit Mars after the United States and Russia. China also plans to complete the construction of a space base on the moon by 2025, and to maneuver in five years. It is planned to establish a manned space station on the moon by 2036, and to build solar power generation by 2050.

Professor of Chinese Studies at Kyung Hee University. He is an expert on US-China relations who studied at Wesleyan University (Bachelor of Politics) in the US and Peking University (Doctor of International Relations) in China. He is very interested in China’s foreign relations, North Korea-China relations, and multilateral security cooperation, and is writing related articles in major domestic and international journals. He wrote 『The History of US-China Relations for Koreans』 and 『The Strategy of the U.S.-China’s Korean Peninsula Read by Fact』.

Jae-Woo Joo Professor, Department of Chinese Studies, Kyung Hee University
