[주요경제일정] Corona 3rd Disaster Support Fund payment started on 11 days

It is expected that the third disaster subsidy will be provided to small business owners and vulnerable groups who have difficulty maintaining livelihoods due to the third pandemic of Corona 19. The government is planning to invest 9.3 trillion won, including 4,800 billion won in reserve.

The Ministry of Strategy and Finance is scheduled to decide on a preliminary expenditure for general accounting purposes in 2021 at the State Council meeting held on the 5th. Payment of the cash support project was announced from the 11th. The rest of the targets that need screening will be applied sequentially from the end of February. 90% of eligible cash grants will be paid before Lunar New Year holidays. On December 29, last year, the government confirmed a plan to pay the third disaster support fund to support the third spread of Corona 19.

The Korea Development Institute (KDI) will announce the economic trends for January 10th. After the third spread of Corona 19, interest in economic trends is drawing.

On the 29th, the government announced’customized damage support measures in response to the third corona spread’ for emergency support for victims of small businesses and the underprivileged. The government decided to give up to 3 million won of’small business owner support fund’ to small business owners whose sales were suspended or restricted due to social distancing measures. [사진=연합뉴스 제공]

◆4th Monday

△The Ministry of Finance, Deputy Prime Minister Si Moo-sik’s greetings and recommendations

△ The National Tax Service, the newly reorganized National Tax Service website! We approach the people more comfortably

△ The Ministry of Agriculture and Food strengthened the standards for heavy metals for’edible insects’ to be managed more safely

△ Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries announced the 5th comprehensive marine environment plan (’21~’30)

△Ministry of Employment, guidance on support for youth filling deduction

△ The Ministry of Environment secures bio-sovereignty and implements carbon neutrality through the efficiency of biological resources

△ Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Environment, campaign to reduce plastic in everyday life

△Ministry of Environment, the lowest since the annual average concentration of ultrafine dust was observed… Achieving the goal at the beginning of the year

△ The Ministry of Environment meets a stork rescued from Russia at the southernmost tip of the Korean Peninsula

◆5th Tuesday

△Ministry of Finance, resolution at the State Council of’Partial Amendment to the Basic Act on Cooperatives’

△ The Fair Trade Commission passed the State Council on amendments to the Enforcement Decree of the Subcontracting Act

△ Ministry of Information, Online Shopping Trends in November 2020

△ The Fair Trade Commission corrects the unfair terms and conditions of three MCN operators

△Ministry of Finance prepares amendments to the Restriction of Special Taxation Act, Income Tax Act, and Corporate Tax Act

△ Ministry of Information, Amendment to the Enforcement Decree of the 2020 Tax Law

△ Ministry of Finance, World Bank World Economic Outlook for January 2021

△ Ministry of Industry,’Renewable energy procurement will be possible in Korea from 21!

△ Ministry of Industry, ’20 semiconductor market trend and ’21 forecast

△ Ministry of Agriculture and Food, ’20 Agrifood Export Performance

△ The Ministry of Agriculture and Food supplies government grain in January to February to stabilize the rice market

△ Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries partially amended the Enforcement Decree of the Seafarers Act

△ Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries partially revised the Enforcement Decree of the Port Transportation Business Act

△ Deliberation and resolution by the Ministry of Employment and the State Council on 2 cases including partial amendments to the Enforcement Decree of the Industrial Safety and Health Act

△ The Ministry of Employment, 3rd Emergency Employment Security Subsidies are provided to special advisors and freelancers

△ The Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Environment-Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport was organized to prepare for the flood season.

△ Water Resources Corporation releases the results of research on the development of the’National Water Welfare Index’

◆6th Wednesday

△ The Fair Trade Commission sanctions cosmetics vendors for violating the procedure for requesting technical data

△National Revenue Service, please report VAT in January safely through Hometax

△ The Ministry of Industry, held the 3rd Korea-Pakistan Trade and Investment Joint Committee

△ Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Let’s go farming in Korea in 2021!

△ The Ministry of Environment promotes a principled ban on import of waste by 2030

◆7th Thursday

△Ministry of Finance, macroeconomic finance conference

△ The Fair Trade Commission sanctions unfair subcontracting transactions by Jeongmin Construction

△National Tax Service, investigation related

△ Ministry of Industry, standards and certification policies that will change in ’21

△Ministry of Agriculture and Food announces 2020 overseas Korean food consumer survey results

△ Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Livestock Environment and Disinfection Day Operational Performance and Future Plans

△ The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries announces 2020 seafood export results

△Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries promotes the construction of a smart joint logistics center in the Namhang hinterland of Incheon Port

△ The Ministry of Employment, recruitment of companies participating in the 21-year youth digital job project

△Ministry of Environment releases contract guide for ecosystem service payment system

△ The Ministry of Environment reveals the results of the first month of restrictions on operation of vehicles with grade 5 emissions during seasonal management

◆8th Friday

△Ministry of Science and Technology hold the 1st Innovation Growth Strategy Review Meeting, Policy Review Meeting, and Korea Version New Deal Review TF Meeting

△ The Ministry of Science and Technology held the 2nd Innovative Growth BIG3 Promotion Meeting

△Ministry of Environment, domestic and foreign fine dust policy promotion status in the first week of January

◆10th Sunday

△KDI economic trends (January 2021)

△ The Fair Trade Commission sanctions unfair support activities by affiliates belonging to the corporate group KPX

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