[종합]Party representative’s sexual harassment… Jang Hye-young “The shock of being damaged by human dignity”

Jong-cheol Kim, CEO of Justice Party, was given a position for sexual harassment
The victim is the same party, Rep. Jang Hye-young

Jang Hye-young, Justice Party member. [이미지출처=연합뉴스]

[아시아경제 허미담 기자] Rep. Jang Hye-young of the same party, who said he had been sexually harassed by the Justice Party CEO Kim Jong-cheol, expressed his heart on the 25th that “the shock and pain that undermined the dignity of a human was really great.” Earlier, when it was revealed that he had sexually harassed Rep. Jang, Kim resigned from the party’s post.

On this day, Rep. Jang said in a post on his Facebook page, “The leadership of the Justice Party decided on a lawsuit and position system for the current period based on the principle of zero tolerance for sexual violence against the sexual harassment committed by Kim. “I have accepted all political responsibilities, and through this article, I clarify that I am the victim of this incident,” he said.

He said, “The shock and pain of undermining my equal human dignity from the representative of our party, who had been crying out to eradicate gender violence together and deeply trusted in my heart, was really great.” He said, “I also raised a question to restore the damaged human dignity In the process, I had to face many other fears and anxieties.”

“Nevertheless, I decided to raise issues and ask for public responsibility as this is the way to restore my dignity as a human being and return to my daily life, as well as for the Justice Party and our society, which I am deeply in love with. “Because I believed.”

Rep. Jang said, “Even if the perpetrator is the party representative, or rather, because he is the party representative, there was a belief that the Justice Party would handle the case with a firm and zero tolerance.” I’m really afraid of the offense, but what’s more fearful than that is to lose myself.”

He also said, “If I live with the damage hidden forever by separating myself as a victim and myself as a member of the National Assembly and protecting the victim, I will be locked up in this case forever,” he said. “So I talk about the pain I suffered and I want to be truly free from it.”

Rep. Jang said, “The perpetrator did not respect me as an equal human being in the process of damaging me, but in the process of restoring my dignity and returning to my daily life, I admitted and apologized for my mistakes and did my best to respect me as a human being. That’s why I was able to focus on recovering rather than getting angry,” he said. “After making a mistake, the attitude of admitting one’s fault and taking positive responsibility should be the basic attitude that all perpetrators should have in the future.” did.

“I’ve been through countless sexual violence as a woman in Korean society since I was a teenager until now,” he said. “But I couldn’t properly raise a problem each time. I didn’t think I could raise a problem, and even if I raised a problem, it wasn’t accepted. I thought I wouldn’t.”

Lastly, Rep. Jang said, “Even at this moment, many victims are still fighting desperately to restore their dignity. I would like to express my sincere solidarity to all the victims. We will surely return to our daily lives together.” I finished the article by speaking.

Jong-cheol Kim, CEO of Justice Party. [이미지출처=연합뉴스]

Earlier, the Justice Party held an emergency press conference at the National Assembly on this day and announced the fact of the sexual harassment of President Kim, saying, “I inform you and the people of this very embarrassing and terrible news.”

Deputy Chairman Bae Bok-ju, head of the Justice Party’s gender human rights headquarters, said at a press conference, “On January 15th, a sexual harassment incident occurred by President Kim, and the victim was Representative Jang, a member of the party’s parliament.”

Deputy Chairman Bae said, “There was an incident of sexual harassment on the way out after Kim had a dinner in Yeouido on the evening of the 15th for an interview with Rep. Jang.” I announced the incident,” he explained.

According to the provisions of the Special Provisions for Disciplinary Procedures for Elected Officers in Article 21 of Article 21 of the Party Regulations of the Justice Party, the authority of the delegation meeting’has a reasonable reason for the disciplinary grounds to be recognized, and when it is recognized that the need to urgently suspend the duties due to the materiality of the disciplinary grounds In addition, it is stipulated that the position of duty can be temporarily canceled until a disciplinary decision is made.’

Prior to the interview, the Justice Party held a meeting of the delegation, decided to file a complaint with the Central Party Committee, which is the party’s disciplinary procedure, and in accordance with Party regulations, delegated Kim to the position. CEO Kim said he would follow the party’s decision on whether to withdraw.

Meanwhile, it is said that Rep. Chang does not consider criminal charges.

Reporter Mi-dam Heo [email protected]
