[종합] Designated as 12 public institutions including the Institute of Construction Technology Education… Financial Supervisory Service’Reservation’

Excluding Smart Grid Project Group and Construction Management Corporation
36 public enterprises, 96 quasi-government, and 218 others confirmed

[세종=뉴스핌] Reporter Choi On-jung = The government newly designated 12 public institutions, including the Institute of Construction Technology Education and Korea Expressway Corporation. The Korea Smart Grid Project Group and Korea Construction Management Corporation have been lifted from designation by public institutions. The Financial Supervisory Service was not designated as a public institution, but decided to impose reinforced evaluation conditions.

On the 29th, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance held a’Public Institution Steering Committee’ presided by the Second Vice Minister of the Ministry of Finance, Ahn Il-hwan, and deliberated and decided on the ‘2021 Public Institution Designation Proposal’. In this agenda, organizations that are subject to the Act on the Operation of Public Institutions have been newly designated, and previously designated institutions have been lifted or the classification has been changed.

View of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Government Complex Sejong [사진=기획재정부] 2020.01.14 [email protected]

According to the designation proposal, a total of 350 institutions have been confirmed as management targets under the Public Transport Act. The number of public enterprises remained unchanged, but the number of quasi-governmental institutions increased from 95 to 96, and other public institutions increased by 9 from 209 to 218.

A total of 12 newly designated institutions are: Construction Technology Education Institute, Architecture and Space Research Institute, Geospatial Information Quality Management Institute, National Aviation Museum, National Maritime Science Museum, Honam National Institute of Biological Resources, (Re)Next Generation Numerical Forecasting Model Development Project Group, Korea Institute of Employment and Labor, Korea Road Construction Service Co., Ltd., Korea Institute of Materials Science, Korea Institute of Nuclear Convergence Energy, KEPCO MS Co., Ltd.

Two institutions, including the Korea Smart Grid Project Group and Korea Construction Management Corporation, whose need for designation was reduced due to functional transfer or institutional consolidation, were canceled. In addition, after its establishment, the General Finance Promotion Agency, which had been designated as other public institution for institutional maintenance, was changed to a quasi-governmental institution in accordance with legal requirements.

At the Gongun Committee, the need to designate a public institution for the Financial Supervisory Service was also discussed. The Gongwoon Committee reviewed the status of the existing reservation conditions and evaluated that they were generally in normal implementation. However, it was decided to impose stronger conditions in consideration of the recent cases of poor supervision and independence in the execution of financial supervision.

In the future, the Gongwoon Committee decided to increase the weight of the metric indicator when evaluating the Financial Supervisory Service (from 30% to 40%), and to recover the incentives when fraudulent behavior is identified in the evaluation process. In addition, the customer satisfaction survey was conducted annually at the level of public institutions, and the results were reflected in the management evaluation. It also prepares measures to improve organizational operation efficiency, such as further reduction of higher ranks and overhaul of overseas offices.

The Financial Services Commission plans to report the detailed implementation plan of the reinforced reservation conditions to the Gongun Committee in the first half of the year, and the Gongun Committee plans to actively review the designation of a public institution in case of insufficient performance in the future.

[자료=기획재정부] 2021.01.29 [email protected]

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