[종합] ’30 years of operation’ abolished 30 coal power plants… Reduced to 17 nuclear power plants

Maximum power demand forecast of 102.5GW in 2034
LNG power generation, 41.3GW → 58.1GW expansion
Renewable, 20.1GW→77.8GW… 4 times↑

[세종=뉴스핌] Reporter Eun-Seok Lim = 30 coal-fired power plants with 30 years of operation until 2034 will be abolished. Nuclear power will peak at 26 units in 2022 and decrease to 17 by 2034. Through this, the composition of nuclear power and coal power plants among the total power generation sources will be reduced to 10.1% and 15.0%, respectively, by 2034.

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy established the ‘9th Basic Plan for Electricity Supply and Demand’ with such contents and announced it on the 28th. The ‘9th Basic Plan for Power Supply and Demand’ contained 15 years of power supply and demand forecast, demand management, power facility plan, power market system improvement and GHG reduction plan from 2020 to 2034.

First of all, according to the demand forecast, the maximum power demand in 2034 is 102.5GW. In order to maintain the consistency of the analysis, the electricity demand forecast used the power panel model, which is the same model as the last 7th and 8th plans.

[서울=뉴스핌] Reporter Jeong Il-gu = Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Sung Yun-mo visits the Seoul Combined Cycle Power Plant in Mapo-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 6th to conduct a field inspection of power supply and demand in the summer. 2020.07.06 [email protected]

The maximum power demand is expected to be 117.5GW. However, in consideration of the demand management goal and the spread of electric vehicles, the target demand was derived at 102.5 GW. Improved demand management target compared to the 8th plan, such as reducing power consumption by 14.9% (96.3TWh) and maximum power demand by 12.6% (14.8GW) compared to standard demand by strengthening the ability to implement existing demand management measures and securing new measures based on innovative technology. Presented.

The maximum power of 6.7GW will be reduced by improving the efficiency management system standards and expanding the supply of highly efficient devices and energy management systems (EMS). It plans to reduce the maximum power of 7.08GW through load management, such as improving the demand resource (DR) market and supplying energy storage systems (ESS).

The target facility capacity for 2034 was calculated as 125.1GW, reflecting the base facility reserve rate of 22% to the target demand of 102.5GW. To meet this, in addition to the existing facility plan of 122.2GW, additional facilities of 2.8GW are expected to be newly expanded.

The amount of coal plant power generation by power source will be reduced by 6.8GW from 35.8GW this year to 29.0GW by abolishing 30 of the 60 units, which have reached 30 years of operation. Nuclear power plant facilities will peak to 26 units in 2022 and reduce to 17 units by 2034. This year’s 23.3GW power generation will decrease by 3.9GW to 19.4GW.

The liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility will increase the power generation capacity of 41.3GW to 59.1GW by 17.8GW this year, by converting 24 of the 30 abolished coals to LNG. The power generation of new and renewable energy facilities is planned to increase by about four times from 20GW to 77.8GW.

Looking at the composition of facilities by power source (based on rated capacity), nuclear power plants (18.2%) and coal (28.1%) are expected to decrease to 10.1% and 15.0%, respectively. Renewable energy is expected to increase from 15.8% to 40.3% at present, and LNG power generation at 30.6% is expected to decrease slightly compared to the present (32.3%).

In addition, the GHG reduction plan was specified in connection with the 2030 National Greenhouse Gas Reduction Target (NDC), which is scheduled to be submitted to the UN at the end of this year. Accordingly, it plans to achieve the goal of 191 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions in the conversion sector as of 2030. The emission of fine dust in the power generation sector is also expected to decrease by about 57% from 21,000 tons in 2019 to 9000 tons in 2030.

The proportion of decentralized power generation will increase significantly from about 12% in 2020 to about 21% in 2034. In order to revitalize the supply of decentralized power, we will consider the introduction of a system to disperse new demand in the metropolitan area to areas where renewable energy is concentrated, as well as prepare a plan for benefiting from avoidance of construction of transmission lines.

An official from the Ministry of Industry said, “After the 9th plan is finalized, the 5th basic plan for new and renewable energy, the 14th long-term natural gas supply and demand plan,” “We plan to establish and finalize the policy,” he said. “We plan to sequentially review and present the power demand forecast and mid- to long-term power mix in order to advance toward the 2050 carbon neutral target, in the next plan based on the establishment of relevant legislation and securing consistency with the upper plan.” .

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