[제보는 MBC] Centipede from Starbucks Salad?… “Takeout is not responsible”

◀ Anchor ▶

The tip is MBC.

There was a report that a live centipede came out of a salad sold by Starbucks.

When they protested to the customer center at the headquarters, they said that they did not eat at the store and packed them, so they returned an absurd answer that it was not their responsibility.

This is Ko Jae-min.

◀ Report ▶

Instructor A of the academy stopped by Starbucks early in the morning to buy coffee and salad.

At lunchtime, when I took out the salad from the refrigerator and ate it halfway, I saw something wriggling.

It was a centipede with dozens of yellow legs on a black body.

“Oh my God. Here, here. Oh my.”

The surprised customer closed the lid and went to the store late in the afternoon after class.

The store clerk said he was sorry and refunded the salad, and said he had to go to the hospital because he ate the salad with insects.

That evening, Mr. A informed the customer service center of the head office that an insect had come out of the salad.

A week later, a call came from the head office.

But the answer was absurd.

Researching the partners that make the salad revealed that there was no possibility of centipede going in, and that it was not responsible for the company because it was eaten outside the store.


“I researched the manufacturer and the store. I did research and said that this is not the responsibility of Starbucks…it is takeout (packaging sale), so it cannot be considered our responsibility because it was not eaten at the store…”

At the same time, I repeatedly asked if I had a drink coupon, but it was said that it sounded like I was suspecting that I had intentionally put a centipede in hopes of a reward.

“Because I did takeout (packaging and selling), this is my responsibility. In other words, it means I put it in. So this was so bad.”

However, Mr. A says that it is a minute away from the store and the academy, and put it in the refrigerator immediately without opening the packaging.

Reporters asked Starbucks headquarters for their position on the report.

The Starbucks headquarters said, “Because there is no precedent, we are sorry for a misunderstanding during the explanation, and we will try to prevent recurrence through investigation into the process of suppliers, etc.”

This is Jaemin Ko, MBC News.

(Video coverage: Heo Won-cheol / Video editing: Komu-geun)

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