[정치]Will North Korea respond favorably to discussions on ROK-US training… Ministry of Defense “discuss any issues”

North Korean response is a problem… Military talks ceased after October 2018
Block all inter-Korean contact networks… Kim Jong-un “Stop Korean-US training”
Problems seeking understanding from the US side, Corona 19 is also a variable


Regarding President Moon Jae-in’s New Year’s press conference, the Ministry of Defense said it could discuss any issues under the September 19 military agreement.

The policy is to take immediate action when North Korea responds, but there are not many mountains to overcome.

Reporter Kim Moon-kyung reports.


The background of President Moon Jae-in’s announcement that he can discuss the issue of the ROK-US joint exercise with North Korea is the September 19 military agreement signed in 2018.

In Article 1, Paragraph 1 of the September 19 Military Agreement, it stipulated that large-scale military exercises and the issue of increasing armed forces will be discussed through the Inter-Korean Military Joint Committee.

The Ministry of Defense also stated that it could discuss any issues with North Korea based on this.

[부승찬 / 국방부 대변인 : 우리 군은 남북 간 군사적 긴장 완화를 위한 어떠한 문제도 남북군사공동위원회 등 군사회담을 통해 협의해 나갈 수 있다는 입장입니다.]

The problem is North Korea’s response.

Official military talks with the generals of the two Koreas were also halted as of the end of October 2018, and the Military Joint Committee, consisting of representatives of the vice-minister level or higher, was never held.

All inter-Korean liaison networks have been blocked since last year’s warfare incident with North Korea, and Chairman Kim Jong-un mentioned the suspension of Korean-US training at the 8th Party Congress.

In order to discuss the ROK-US joint training issue with the North Korean side, there may be issues that seek US interest.

The Ministry of Defense is planning to complete the formation and operation of the Military Joint Commission if North Korea responds to this year’s military talks, but the Corona 19 situation is also expected to be a variable.

The ROK-US alliance training, which is expected in early March, is expected to be an important turning point to consider not only the inter-Korean relations, but also the ROK-US alliance issues, as it is combined with the verification of the transition to wartime power.

YTN Kim Moon-kyung[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
