[정치]Verbal election campaigns are allowed at all times.


In this 4·7 by-election, it is possible to support a specific candidate in words even if it is not during the campaign period.

Even if you make a toast to pray for the election of a certain person at a drinking party, it does not violate the election law.

Reporter Baek Jong-gyu organized the election law regulations that have changed since this year.


Prospective candidates to run for parliamentary elections greet local residents and appeal for support.

“Have a nice day. Be healthy.”

Until last year, this verbal appeal for support was only possible during the campaign.

In the case of elections for lawmakers or provincial governors, they could only be held 120 days before the election.

But this year has changed.

[박병석 / 국회의장 (지난해 12월) : 공직선거법 일부 개정 법률안은 가결되었음을 선포합니다.]

With the revision of the Public Official Election Act, verbal campaigns can be conducted at any time.

You can make a toast at a meeting and support a specific candidate,

You can talk to someone you know and ask them to choose someone you support.

However, it is still impossible to use a loudspeaker or hold a rally.

If you campaigned for a price, this is also illegal.

Election campaigns for prospective candidates are prohibited on ships or subway planes, and teachers or pastors are not allowed to campaign in schools or churches.

This will be applied from the re-election in April.

[진혜영 / 중앙선거관리위원회 서기관 : 4월 7일 재보궐선거에서 말로 하는 선거운동 허용범위를 명확히 함으로써 입후보 예정자와 유권자의 혼란을 방지하고자 운영기준을 마련했습니다.]

The purpose of the revision of the law is to prevent unintentional speeches of support from being illegally punished.

However, there seems to be confusion in the field for the time being, as there are actions that can and cannot be done depending on the location or job.

YTN Baek Jong-kyu[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
