[정치]USFK coronavirus vaccine arrives soon…

US Department of Defense “Supply 44,000 vaccines to domestic and foreign military facilities”
USFK “Vaccination to all members”… KATUSA Soldier vaccination is opaque
USFK “Vaccination is another means of strengthening regular combat posture”


With the U.S. starting to administer the COVID-19 vaccine, it is expected that the U.S. forces in Korea will be vaccinated soon.

As soon as the vaccine is available, it is expected to enter Korea within this month and receive vaccinations from USFK medical staff.

Reporter Kim Moon-kyung reports.


It is known that the corona vaccine for the USFK will arrive in Korea sooner or later.

A military source said it could arrive before Christmas as early as possible.

Earlier, the U.S. Department of Defense announced that it will distribute 44,000 batches to 16 domestic and overseas military facilities including Korea, 975 times each.

Currently, the number of troops in the USFK is about 28,000.

USFK Commander Robert Abrams emphasized on the US military radio broadcast on the 14th that a modder or product will be provided as a corona vaccine and will be vaccinated from medical staff in the USFK at the front line of the corona.

Accordingly, it is expected that the vaccine will be vaccinated as early as this year, starting with medical staff in Camp Humphreys, a US military base in Pyeongtaek.

The USFK has announced that it will vaccinate all members of the USFK coronavirus, but it is still unclear whether the KATUSA Soldiers, the ROK troops in the USFK, will be vaccinated.

Currently, there are 460 cumulative confirmed cases of Corona 19 related to USFK, and most of the recent confirmed cases are newly arrived USFK and their families.

The USFK has emphasized that the corona vaccination is another means of strengthening the regular combat posture.

YTN Kim Moon-kyung[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
