[정치]US Foreign Minister “Consensus on the urgency of North Korea’s nuclear weapons”… The US emphasizes’Korea-US-Japan cooperation

First call with Secretary of State Kang Kyung-hwa with US Secretary of State Blincoln
Blincoln “We will strengthen the ROK-US alliance”
The US seems to improve relations between Japan and Korea… Crossing expectations and concerns


Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha spoke with the new US Secretary of State Blincoln, and the biden administration began to coordinate North Korea policies in earnest.

However, the US is focusing on the trilateral cooperation between the United States and the United States, and the task seems daunting, such as a high-ranking official in the State Department in charge of the Korean Peninsula.

This is reporter Dowon Kim.


Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha made his first phone call shortly after taking office as Secretary of State Blincoln.

The two ministers agreed that the North Korean nuclear issue is an issue that should be addressed urgently by the Biden administration, and the two countries agreed to closely discuss.

In addition, Secretary Blincoln stressed that he would further strengthen the ROK-US alliance.

On the same day, there was a call from the US and Japan foreign ministers, focusing on the free and open Indo-Pacific in the context of Chinese checks.

In particular, while the United States emphasized the importance of trilateral cooperation between the two countries, such information was omitted in the announcements between Korea and Japan.

While uncomfortable Korea-Japan relations have been revealed as they are, there are expectations for improvement in relations through the US, but concerns are also high.

If we cooperate in responding to North Korea’s nuclear weapons, we need to reconcile disagreements with Japan, which emphasizes pressure on North Korea, and if we cooperate to check China, it is difficult for the Korean government to actively step forward.

[우정엽 / 세종연구소 미국연구센터장 : 공화당의 지지를 받을 수 있는 것도 중국 문제밖에 없거든요, 지금. 그러니까 중국 문제에 더 집중을 하겠죠. 그러한 논의의 차이를 어떤 식으로 극복할 수 있느냐가 우리 정부의 과제가 되겠죠.]

In the midst of this, a former chairman of the Brookings Institute, a former deputy assistant secretary of the State Department’s East Asian and Pacific Affairs, who is in charge of policy on the Korean peninsula, was appointed as a hard-liner toward North Korea.

Deputy Assistant Secretary Jung Park has been evaluating that North Korea’s willingness to denuclearize is unbelievable, and he also criticized the recent anti-North Korea warfare law undermining South Korean democracy.

Although there are observations that the US policy toward North Korea is oriented toward a more hard-line theory, some point out that there is no need to predict as not all individual opinions are reflected in the policy.

At the end of next month, President Biden’s joint speech with the House of Representatives is expected to outline North Korea policy, and the government is planning to speed up policy discussions with the United States.

This is YTN Kim Do-won.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
