[정치]US checks China day after day at 2+2 meetings “consistently violate promises…Quad cooperates with Korea too”


The US side continued to criticize and check China for two days in a row until the 2+2 meeting yesterday.

At the same time, he urged China to play a role in the denuclearization of North Korea and expressed a willingness to cooperate on the North Korean nuclear issue.

Reporter Lee Seung-yoon on the report.


There was no direct mention of China in the joint statement of the 2+2 Ministers’ Meeting for diplomacy and defense,

He indirectly criticized China for opposing all actions that undermine and destabilize the norm-based international order.

However, US Secretary of State Blincoln and US Secretary of Defense Austin repeatedly threw checks against China in subsequent press conferences.

[토니 블링컨 / 미 국무장관 : 우리는 중국이 약속을 일관되게 어겼음을 분명히 인지하며, 중국의 공격적이고 권위적 행동에 대해 논의했습니다.]

[로이드 오스틴 / 미 국방장관 : 특히 중국은 아시다시피 다가올 시기에 미 국방부가 직면하게 될 중요한 도전 과제입니다.]

Regarding the “anti-China” security consultation between the U.S., Japan, India and Australia, the U.S. side said that it is closely cooperating with Korea on the issues addressed by the Quad, while our side reported that there was no direct discussion, showing a subtle difference in position.

[정의용 / 외교부 장관 : 이번 미국 국무·국방장관 방한 시 쿼드에 관한 직접적인 논의는 없었습니다.]

Defense Minister Seo-wook also drew a line saying that there was no discussion of real-time military information sharing with the quad nations.

Minister Blincoln, who continued to criticize China, said that China’s role is important to North Korea’s denuclearization, leaving room for cooperation and a close response from the ROK government to coordinate North Korean nuclear cooperation amid the US-China conflict.

YTN Lee Seung-yoon[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
