[정치]US and South Korea “Priority on North Korea’s Nuclear and Missile … Fully coordinated strategy toward North Korea”

Korea-US diplomatic and defense 2+2 Ministerial Meeting 5 years since 2016
“The ROK-US alliance, the core axis of the Korean Peninsula and the Indo-Pacific”
“North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missiles, the alliance’s priority concerns…willingness to resolve”


The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense of the United States held a 2+2 meeting after five years to discuss various issues such as the ROK-US alliance, the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and regional cooperation.

The two countries have made the North Korean nuclear issue a priority concern for the alliance, and have agreed to work closely together based on a fully coordinated strategy.

This is reporter Kim Do-won.


At the Korea-US Foreign Affairs and Defense 2+2 Ministerial Meeting, held in 5 years, the importance of the ROK-US alliance was reaffirmed.

The ROK-US alliance has been defined as a core axis of security for the Korean Peninsula and the Indo-Pacific that shares the values ​​of freedom and democracy.

The North Korean nuclear issue is a priority concern of the alliance, and the focus is on coping with it to resolve the issue.

[정의용 / 외교부 장관 : 미국의 대북 정책 검토 과정은 물론 이행 과정에서도 완전히 조율된 전략을 바탕으로 긴밀히 공조해 나가기로 했습니다.]

It also emphasized the full implementation of the UN Security Council resolution to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue.

However, regarding the specific direction of North Korea policy, US Secretary of State Blincoln declined to say that it will be prepared within a few weeks.

[토니 블링컨 / 미 국무장관 : 바이든 대통령은 대북정책 검토를 한국과 일본 등 핵심 파트너와 긴밀히 협의해 몇 주 내로 마무리할 계획입니다. 여기엔 압박 방안과 향후 외교를 위한 가능성이 포함될 겁니다.]

The Korean government’s succession of the Singapore agreement or the evaluation of the talks by the first vice minister of the North Korean Foreign Ministry avoided immediate answers.

Foreign Minister Eui-yong Eui said that there was discussion about North Korea’s intentions and that it has decided to continue working together.

Meanwhile, Secretary Blincoln continued direct criticism from the previous day, saying it was a dictatorship.

[토니 블링컨 / 미 국무장관 : 북한 주민은 억압적 정권이 자행하는 광범위하고 구조적인 침해로 계속해서 고통받고 있습니다.]

The two countries sympathize with the importance of trilateral cooperation between Korea, the United States and Japan for the security of Northeast Asia, and have decided to continue future-oriented cooperation apart from historical issues.

In addition, it has been agreed to regularize the committee at the level of directors between the ROK-US diplomatic authorities, which has been promoted since last year, once every quarter.

This is YTN Kim Do-won.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
