[정치]”Transportation of vaccines to mid-air fuel tanks and traps”…軍 vaccination from the third quarter


The military decided to mobilize air tankers to transport Pfizer vaccines, which require cryogenic distribution, and to deploy the vaccine to naval vessels if necessary.

Unlike the U.S. military, which vaccinated soldiers with medical staff as the top priority, vaccinations for Korean soldiers are expected to take place in the third quarter.

Reporter Lee Seung-yoon on the report.


AstraZeneca vaccine transported by truck on a C-130 military transport aircraft in case it is difficult to use civilian ships or aircraft,

As long as it can be distributed at 2~8 degrees of video, it is transported by military Chinook helicopter to health centers on small islands including Ulleungdo.

However, in the case of Pfizer vaccine, which requires cryogenic distribution, in case of emergency, there is no choice but to use an air tanker.

[박주경 육군 중장 / 코로나19 백신수송지원본부장 : 화이자 같은 경우는 안에 드라이아이스가 들어가 있어서 이 비행기로 수송이 안 됩니다. 그건 공중급유기를 가지고 해야 됩니다. 드라이아이스 처리 시설이 돼 있는 비행기를 가지고 해야 됩니다. 그래서 차이가 있겠습니다.]

Defense Minister Seo-wook suggested that military ships could be used to transport vaccines in emergency situations.

[서욱 / 국방부 장관 : 우발 상황에 봉착되거나 또는 상황이 어려움에 처했을 때는 우리 군의 수송기, 함정 등을 이용을 해서 우리 국민이 백신 접종을 받을 수 있는 여건을 보장해야 하는데 그 역할을 여러분들이 준비를 잘 해줘야 합니다.]

The United States, South Korea and the military seem to be in charge of the vaccine transport operation, but there is a big difference in the vaccination rankings.

In the case of the US military, the first vaccination was given with medical staff from the end of last year, but it is expected that our military personnel will be vaccinated in the third quarter.

The Ministry of Defense has struggled with whether to entrust the vaccinations of soldiers to personal judgment like the U.S. military or to make them mandatory.

YTN Seungyoon Lee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
