[정치]”Three-party confrontation is not allowed” difficult conflict suturing…today’s first debate agreement


Negotiations for unification between opposition Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon and Ahn Cheol-soo, who faced a crisis, faced a difficult suture phase.

They expressed their will to unify that there will be no three-way confrontation and gathered opinions to hold the first TV debate today.

But there are still stumbling blocks.

This is reporter Woo Cheol-hee.


At the vision presentation of the opposition mayor of Seoul, which was once postponed due to unification negotiation difficulties, Candidate Se-hoon Oh emphasized his achievements as a former mayor of Seoul, and Candidate Ahn Chul-soo of the National Assembly Party emphasized his future as an IT expert and doctor.

[오세훈 / 국민의힘 서울시장 후보 : 삶의 질 이렇게 높아졌습니다. 제 임기 중에…. 그런데 박원순 전 시장 시절에 많이 퇴보했습니다.]

[안철수 / 국민의당 서울시장 후보 ; 이제 10년이 지난 지금 정치인 안철수는 서울을 치료하기 위한 V4를 실현하는….]

However, they were always at the center of division toward each other, and they met with scolding criticism for not remembering where they were when the opposition was difficult.

The results of a public opinion poll in which Candidate Se-Hoon Oh ranked first in the three-way composition came out, but both candidates reaffirmed their willingness to unify, saying that the three-way composition is inevitable.

[오세훈 / 국민의힘 서울시장 후보 : 야권이 분열된 상태에서의 서울시장 선거는 필패를 의미하기 때문입니다. 3자 대결 구도는 제 머릿속에 없다….]

In addition, in order not to lose the initiative of the unification negotiations, he made a voice asking him to get out of the emergency response committee, Kim Jong-in, who is putting checks on both candidates.

[안철수 / 국민의당 서울시장 후보 : 오히려 걸림돌을 만드는 것은 아닌가…. 저는 그런 우려가 있습니다. 그렇지 않기를 바랍니다.]

It is interpreted with the intention to achieve unification through a large framework of consensus in the candidate line instead of the working-level negotiations that are repeatedly stalemate.

The unified working-level negotiating group, which had previously exchanged between high performances and the end of the day, also reached an agreement to conduct TV debates.

[권택기 / 국민의힘 단일화 실무협상단 : (TV토론) 1회만 하기로 협상단에서 합의했습니다.]

[성일종 / 국민의힘 단일화 실무협상단 : (2회 이상은) 불가능한 것 아닌가요? 여론조사가 17, 18일 이뤄져야 하기 때문에 16일까지는 다 끝나야 합니다.]

However, only two research institutes have been selected for the most important public opinion polls, and they have not yet been able to narrow their disagreements.

The poll question is a key issue, and it is known that a method of asking a mixture of suitability and competitiveness by including the name of the party is being discussed.

Both candidates Oh Se-hoon and Ahn Cheol-soo are emphasizing that they must become candidates through unification as planned.

One TV debate and poll question will have a decisive influence on who becomes the candidate for unification of the opposition.

YTN Woo Chul-hee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
