[정치]The ruling party’s’entertainment rhythm trauma’…


As the theory of easing the transfer tax was dated, the Democratic Party of Korea began actively evolving from the beginning.

This is to avoid criticism that real estate policy goes back and forth.

It can be seen that the government’s ruling party came up with 24 real estate countermeasures, and in the market, the credibility of the policy was gradually lowered, resulting in a sort of trauma.

Reporter Lee Dae-geon reported.


[홍남기 / 경제부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 (지난 10일, KBS 일요진단) : 세 채, 네 채, 다섯 채 가지고 있는 분들이, 사실 다주택자들이 주택을 매물로 내놓게 하는 것도 저는 중요한 주택 공급정책이 아닌가 싶습니다.]

It was the ruling party that was more angered than anyone after the remarks by Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki.

Representative Lee Nak-yeon personally tried to turn away, saying it was not meant to ease the transfer tax.

Already in the marketplace, the current government has accepted the cut card as a fiddle.

Accordingly, all of the ruling party leadership came up and nailed it, saying that there will be no reduction or easing of the transfer tax.

[김태년 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 (지난 12일) : 다주택자의 양도 차익에 중과세한다는 공평 과세의 원칙을 갖고 부동산 안정화 정책을 흔들림 없이 밀고 나갈 것이라는 말씀을 드립니다.]

The biggest reason Democrats have hurried to evolve is because of concerns that the credibility of real estate policies could be shaken again.

In accordance with the July 10 real estate measures announced last year, the transfer tax will be severe from June. When multi-homed people sell their homes in areas subject to adjustment, such as Seoul, the heavy tax rate will increase by 10 percentage points.

Deputy Prime Minister Hong’s remarks were delivered while multi-homed people were hoping they would have to release their homes before June.

It seems that there is an urgency that it should not go back and forth even in the stance of strengthening the tax system, which is the basis of the current government’s real estate policy, after turning from the previous position that there is no shortage of supply.

Moreover, it is doubtful that the sale will be released if the transfer tax is eased before the policy is implemented.

This is because multi-homed people have their own asset disposal plans, and instead of turning to buying and selling, they can go toward holding on.

[김현아 / 국민의힘 비대위원 (지난 11일) : 증여, 친지 간 거래 등으로 이미 포트폴리오를 재구성한 사람들이 많았는데, 추가 매물이 나오겠습니까. 기껏 유예한다고 해도 다주택자들의 양도세율은 50%가 넘습니다.]

There is a saying that real estate, consisting of two axes of supply and demand, is a kind of psychological warfare.

This is why the ruling party in power is extremely wary of taking steps when it comes to easing the transfer tax theory again.

YTN Lee Dae-gun[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
