[정치]The ruling and opposition parties, last-minute all-out battle for the mayor of Seoul this week


With the candidates for the ruling and opposition Seoul mayor’s by-election candidates scheduled for early March, preliminary candidates from the opposition parties are in a last-minute battle this week.

It is expected that the competition among candidates facing each other through debates and policy announcements will become increasingly fierce.

Connect with reporters to the National Assembly. Reporter Kim Dae-geun!

Let’s first look at the situation of the Democratic Party candidates. Candidates meet in one place today?


Yes, the Democratic Party is holding a contest to elect the Mayor of Seoul this afternoon.

It is a place where candidates present their vision and answer questions from citizens.

Preliminary candidate Park Young-seon made a key pledge of ’21 Minute City’ that can solve housing, education, and healthcare in 21 minutes.

As the minister of SMEs, it is expected to emphasize the support for mass production of special vaccine syringes as an achievement.

Preliminary candidates for Sang-ho Woo are proposing plans to supply houses using railroads and north riverside roads.

Recently, it has been criticizing Park’s pledge as a development agenda that is not like the Democratic Party, and is turning to a competitive aspect.

The confrontation between the two candidates will also continue this week in three discussions, including radio and television.

In the beginning, the two candidates showed a friendly appearance by calling each other as siblings.

This week, the competition between Park, who has the upper hand in various opinion polls, and Woo, who aims to reverse, are expected to be fierce.

The candidate for the Democratic Mayor of Seoul by-election is decided by the vote of 50% of the party members and 50% of the general public.

The contest will be held for four days starting on the 26th, and the final candidate will be selected on the 1st of the following month.


Shall we also look at the schedule of the opposition candidates?


First of all, in the power of the people, competition between candidates Na Gyeong-won and Oh Se-hoon, who are vying for the lead in public opinion polls, is fierce.

Candidate Kyung-won Na visited the children’s library in Nowon-gu, talked with parents, and announced plans for education policy.

After explaining his real estate policy through a media interview, Candidate Se-Hoon Oh visits a startup street to hear the grievances of a young entrepreneur.

The competition between the candidates is expected to intensify this week as the two are facing their first one-on-one confrontation at the 3rd candidate debate on the 23rd.

The main race of the people’s power is conducted through a complete citizen poll.

As such, it is expected to emphasize the scalability that can be supported by the middle class.

In the midst of this, the candidate Ahn Cheol-soo of the National Assembly visited the old residential site.

The purpose of this is to listen to the voices of the site and present alternatives while the government recently announced a public-led redevelopment policy through the 2·4 real estate measures.

The results of the unification of the 3rd zone between Candidate Chul-soo Ahn and Candidate Tae-seop Geum will be confirmed on the 1st of next month and the 4th of next month.

YTN Kim Dae-geun at the National Assembly[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
