[정치]The government takes strong measures to report false reports of’reporters’ inflating apartment prices

31.9% of apartment sales cancellations nationwide last year’highest price’
Prime Minister Jung “Strong Measures to Report Falsely on Apartment Sales”
Order for cooperation with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, the National Tax Service, and the Police Agency


In order to increase the price of an apartment, a case where a transaction is reported at a price higher than the usual price and then canceled is being caught nationwide.

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun has ordered a strict response to the real estate market disruption at the government level.

Reporter Na Yeon-soo reports.


A case of reporting a transaction at a higher price than the market price and then canceling it has been found in the country.

Three of the 10 transactions canceled last year were the highest priced transactions, and some are suspected of making false reports to increase apartment prices.

Half of the canceled transactions in Seoul, especially in Gwangjin, Seocho-gu, Mapo-gu, and Gangnam-gu, were the highest at over 60%.

Prime Minister Chung Sye-gyun pointed out the case of false reports of such’reporters’ at a cabinet meeting and announced that he would take strong measures.

It means that we will never neglect that the real estate market, which is directly connected to the lives of the people, is governed by some forces.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, as well as the National Tax Service and the National Police Agency, ordered organic cooperation to deal with false reports.

If necessary, it is an order to take strong measures to prevent any disruption to the market through investigations.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport plans to initiate a general investigation into the suspicion of false reports of actual transactions soon.

The policy is to impose a fine of 30 million won or less on the reporter if it is revealed as a false report, and request the police investigation for malicious and repeated false reports.

Since the announcement of the 2/4 housing supply expansion policy, it is read that the government, which is focusing its final efforts on stabilizing the real estate market, will not look at any tricks aimed at the gap between systems and policies.

YTN Na Yeonsu[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
