[정치]Shin Hyun-soo’s wave’first short’…the fire of conflict still remains


Shin Hyun-soo, head of the Blue House, returned to work by expressing his appreciation for the prosecution’s personal affair with Justice Minister Park Beom-gye.

It is an analysis that the so-called Min Jeong-suk company’s wave is coming to an end, but the spark of conflict remains.

This is reporter Cha Jung-yoon.


After Shin Hyun-soo, chief civil servant of the Blue House, the number of middle officials announced after the surge was made to a minimum, the level of vacancy filling.

It is an analysis that it is a compromise that retains all major investigative teams and prevents confusion and the governmental gap, which is concerned about the final resignation of the chief civilian government.

The Blue House also announced that Chief Shin was left before the announcement of the prosecution’s personnel, and strengthened knowing that the personnel were discussed even on vacation.

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye, who attended the National Assembly earlier, also showed an attempt to extinguish the noise that raged between the Blue House Civil Affairs Office.

[전주혜 / 국민의힘 의원 : 직접 민정수석과 검찰 인사 협의하셨습니까?]

[박범계 / 법무부 장관 : 청와대든 대검이든 충분한 소통 있었다고 저는 생각합니다.]

However, the Blue House did not disclose a separate position on whether President Moon re-confidences to Chief Shin.

This is the reason why the analysis suggests that Shin can be replaced at an appropriate time, as this incident severely hurts the leadership of the President as well as the Civil Affairs Office.

If President Moon continues to trust Shin, it is unclear whether the relationship between Shin and Park, which has deepened in the conflict, can be restored.

As prosecutor general Yoon Seok-yeol’s term of office expires in July, as large-scale prosecutors have been announced, there is a concern about a re-conflict.

In the end, President Moon’s rejection of his resignation is weighing in on the evaluation that it is a short-term measure to resolve the conflict.

The worst situation was avoided, when Min Jeong resigned after two months of appointment, but the president’s job was to restore broken leadership as well.

YTN Cha Jung-yoon[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
