[정치]Seoul,’hand’ to progressive camp 8 times in a row…will the shout collapse for 10 years?


It is the voters in the Seoul area who have served the hands of liberal political parties in various elections over the past 10 years for eight times in a row.

This is why the Democratic Party has been relatively confident as the mayor of Seoul in this by-election.

However, with the LH suspicion and other unexpected bad news before the election, there is no guarantee of a winning streak for the Democratic Party.

Reporter Song Jae-in’s report.


Over the past 10 years, the Seoul area has become a de facto base for progressive political parties.

In 2011, the by-election of the mayor of Seoul was held due to the resignation of former Mayor Oh Se-hoon.

As it was held on the progressive agenda of free meals, the Democratic Party and the progressive camp united together, and in the end, Candidate Won-soon Park was elected mayor.

[고(故) 박원순 / 당시 서울시장 당선자 (지난 2011년) : 야권 통합 시민후보 박원순은 오늘 이 자리에서 서울시민의 승리를 엄숙히 선언합니다.]

Later in Seoul, the progressive camp continued to win.

The Saenuri Party won the majority of the seats in the 19th general election in 2012, but the Democratic Unification Party and the Unified Progressive Party were ahead of the Saenuri Party and the Liberal Advanced Party in terms of the percentage of votes from political parties in Seoul.

Even during the 18th presidential election, when former President Park Geun-hye was elected, candidate Moon Jae-in received more votes in the Seoul area.

In the’Green Wind’ of the National Assembly Party, the Saenuri Party lost its seat in the park, and the 20th general election

[김무성 / 당시 새누리당 대표 (지난 2016년) : 저는 선거 참패에 대해서 모든 책임을 지고 오늘부터 당대표직에서 물러나겠습니다.]

From the 19th presidential election, in which President Moon Jae-in was elected, to the 21st general election, which gave birth to the ruling Democratic Party, the public sentiment of the Seoul area leaned toward progressive camp.

[이해찬 / 더불어민주당 전 대표 (지난해) : 승리의 기쁨에 앞서 무거운 책임감을 느낍니다.]

Including the two local elections held by the late Mayor Park Won-soon, the progressive camp has won the Seoul district vote eight times in a row in the elections held in the last 10 years.

However, it is unclear whether this trend can be maintained in this by-election.

This is because the flow of public sentiment is not serious as the accumulated real estate policy failures overlap with allegations of speculation from LH.

This means that depending on the results of the Seoul Mayor’s by-election, Seoul may harden or overturn the huge political landscape of our society, which is a progressive tendency.

Whether the passport achieves 9 consecutive wins or the opposition breaks the chain of losing streaks, it has no choice but to have a big impact on the presidential election for the one year remaining.

YTN Song Jae-in[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
