[정치]Seoul Mayor Park Young-seon’lead’…the two-way confrontation also prevails within the margin of error


Before the Seoul Mayor’s by-election in April, YTN and TBS jointly examined Seoul’s public sentiment, and the Democratic Party’s former Minister Park Young-seon showed the most advanced approval rating.

Even in the bilateral confrontation that assumed the unification of opposition, former Minister Park was found to have superiority in the margin of error between Representative Ahn Chul-soo of the People’s Party and Candidate Na Gyeong-won, and candidate Oh Se-hoon outside the margin of error.

This is a reporter, General Manager.


About 50 days before the Seoul mayor’s by-election, we asked who was the most suitable among the candidates for the opposition mayor.

Former Democratic Party candidate Park Young-seon took the lead outside the margin of error with 26.2%.

Ahn Chul-soo, the representative of the National Party, ranked second with 19%, followed by former lawmaker Na Gyeong-won, former mayor Oh Se-hun, and Democratic Party lawmaker Sang-ho Woo.

Even in a virtual confrontation between a single ruling party candidate, former Minister Park Young-sun continued to dominate.

When the Democratic Party’s former Minister Park Young-seon and the Nationalist Party’s representative Ahn Chul-soo met, it was found that Park beat Ahn, who recorded 36.3% at 38.9%. The former minister took the lead.

In the case of a three-way confrontation between the Democratic Party, the people’s power, and the candidates of the People’s Party due to the unification of opposition powers, the odds of former Minister Park were found to increase.

In terms of political party support, the Democratic Party was found to be 32.2%, superior to the power of the people at 28.1%.

This survey was jointly commissioned by YTN and TBS, and for two days starting from the 7th, Real Meter surveyed 1,016 voters aged 18 and over residing in Seoul, and the sampling error is ±3.1%p with a 95% confidence level.

YTN Manager[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
