[정치]Seoul Mayor Democratic Party candidates”friendship competition’…will it work in the final?


With less than two months left for the Seoul Mayor’s by-election, the candidates for the Democratic Party’s primary elections are continuing their widespread movement day after day.

However, there is a continuing competition for DNA that is as fierce as the competition for policy and public sentiment.

Reporter Lee Gyeong-guk summarized why.


The competition for the right people for’friendship’ started with Rep. Sangho Woo.

With the support of former chief of staff Lim Jong-seok, who served as the first secretary of the Moon Jae-in administration, they started a full-scale courtship.

[우상호 / 더불어민주당 의원 (지난달 22일, CBS ‘김현정의 뉴스쇼’) : (당심, 문심도 내게 있다고 보세요?) 문재인 대통령이 투표권이 있다면 당연히 저를 찍을 거로 생각하는데요.]

Former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun, who jumped into the election a little later, emphasized the experience he had with President Moon Jae-in from his first official move.

[박영선 / 전 중소벤처기업부 장관 (지난달 23일) : 작년 2월에 코로나 막 처음 시작했을 때 너무 놀라서, 모두 얼어붙어서 대통령님 모시고 남대문 시장에 왔었고….]

Even outside of official activities, a subtle nerve war continued.

On the birthday of President Moon last month, former Minister Park posted a congratulatory message on social media saying, “Korea is a state possessed by Moon Jae-in,” and Rep.Woo confronted him saying that he was “a strong president that I have never met.

On the birthday of the late Roh Moo-hyun’s former presidential wife, Kwon Yang-suk, each sent congratulatory pots or made a greeting call.

It also showed the appearance of a’traditional competition’ that emphasized the identity of the Democratic Party.

[박영선 / 전 중소벤처기업부 장관 : 저는 김대중, 노무현, 문재인 세 분의 대통령으로부터 직접 정치를 배웠습니다.]

[우상호 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 세 분의 대통령을 지키고 함께해 온 역사, 그 역사를 가장 잘 계승할 후보가 우상호다. 감히 여러분에게 말씀드립니다.]

However, if you look at their side, it is true that they were far from their parents.

Former Minister Park was classified as’Jung Dong Young-gye’ at the beginning of his political activities, and in the 2017 presidential nomination race, he participated in Ahn Hee-jung camp and stood on the opposite side of President Moon.

Rep. Woo has also been active with the ’86 Movement Group’ rather than the faction.

Nevertheless, the Democratic Party’s primary election rules have a big impact on their active marketing of’munshim’.

This is because the final candidate was selected with 50% of the general public opinion poll and 50% of the votes of the rights party, and a great deal of emphasis was placed on the selection of key supporters.

Eventually, the candidates are striving to build up their support base, and the chances of becoming a matchmaker have increased.

However, there is also an analysis that it may have a negative impact on the final competition.

[김형준 / 명지대 교수 : 지나치게 친문 전략에 맞춰 행보하면 중도층이 흔들리기 시작하는 거죠. 중도 진보와 중도 보수를 누가 차지하느냐 싸움이기 때문에….]

With the finalists scheduled to be decided on the 1st of next month, the competition between the two candidates is expected to intensify.

YTN Lee Kyung-guk[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
