[정치]Seol Seol’s public sentiment… the biggest issue of the 4th disaster support payment


The biggest issue in politics that will influence public sentiment after the Lunar New Year’s Eve with the by-election in April is the issue of the 4th Corona 19 disaster support payment.

Both the ruling and opposition parties are in favor of the disaster support payment, but they are unable to narrow the disagreement on the specific payment method.

Let’s find out by connecting reporters to the National Assembly. Reporter Baek Jong-gyu!

There are disagreements between the ruling party and the party government over the 4th disaster subsidy method. Are you saying that there is a full-scale discussion after the Lunar New Year holidays?


Four political circles are citing disaster subsidies as the biggest issue that will determine the direction of public sentiment ahead of the by-election.

The concern is when and how the disaster assistance will be paid.

First of all, the Democratic Party, which officially announced the 4th disaster support payment, is saying it will support it before the by-election.

Democratic Party spokesman Shin Young-dae said in a commentary today that 97% of the 3rd disaster support was paid before the Lunar New Year holiday.

He said that it was not enough to solve the difficulties of the past year.

At the same time, the Democratic Party once again emphasized that it will hurry to discuss the 4th disaster support fund right after the Lunar New Year holiday.

Just before the Lunar New Year holiday, the Democratic Party, the government, and the Blue House held a closed meeting.

At this meeting, we agreed to organize an additional budget for the 4th disaster support payment, but we could not narrow the disagreement over the payment method, scale, and timing.

The Democratic Party puts both universal and selective payments on the discussion table and insisted on supporting the draft in March before the by-election.

Hong Nam-ki, Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Ministry of Strategy and Finance, who is in charge of the country’s barracks right now, is emphasizing heavy support and support for reinforcing blind spots.

A budget of close to 20 trillion won is required to pay the 4th disaster support fund, and the weight is placed on selective support because of the loss of financial soundness.

In addition, most of them have to pay deficit government bonds to raise money, and they are also worried that this could lead to a surge in debt.

Contrary to the opinion of the Democratic Party to simultaneously discuss universal support for the entire population and screening support for the victims, discussions between the party governments remain a task.

It is also difficult to reach an agreement with the opposition party, the power of the people.

The people’s strength is in favor of the large framework of the 4th disaster subsidy payment, but it stipulates that the payment of subsidies in March, just before the election, is a sensational cash distribution and populism.

At the same time, we are sticking to the position that, to the extent that finances can afford it, it is necessary to provide selective support focusing on the affected industries, such as small business owners and self-employed persons.

In addition, the process of discussion at the National Assembly is not expected to be smooth as it insists that the method of securing financial resources should be adjusted rather than an additional budget.

As the Democratic Party, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, and the opposition parties have different opinions over the payment of disaster support, it is noteworthy whether the disagreement will narrow in the discussion after the Lunar New Year holiday.

YTN Baek Jong-kyu at the National Assembly so far[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
