[정치]Seo-wook “Korea-US, close consultation with the first half of the joint training… will achieve a result of OPCON conversion”


Defense Minister Seo-wook said he is in discussions with the United States to conduct joint exercises for the first half, expected in early March.

In addition, during his tenure, he also expressed his willingness to make progress in the transition to wartime control.

Reporter Kim Moon-kyung reports.


Defense Minister Seo Wook said that the ROK-US joint exercises, which are expected in early March, are being pushed forward.

He emphasized that the first half of the combined training is only for command post training, not for military force-equipment training, and is discussing implementation methods with the US.

[서욱 / 국방부 장관 : 전반기 시행하는 연합지휘소 훈련은 실병 기동훈련이 아니고 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션을 활용하는 것이고 방어적이고 연례적 연습을 진행하게 될 것입니다.]

With the position that the combined training for the first half, which has only been practiced at the command post, will be carried out as scheduled, Minister Seo added that the situation of Corona 19 is a variable.

To this end, it was revealed that training participants could exert the beauty of the operation by forming a pair.

In addition, it was confirmed that the second-stage verification practice for OPCON conversion, which was postponed last year, is also in close discussion with the US side.

[서욱 / 국방부 장관 : 우리 군은 굳건한 한미동맹 기반하에 전시작전통제권 전환이 진행돼야 한다는 것이고, 이를 위해 연합연습 시행과 FOC(전작권 전환 2단계 검증연습)를 (미국 측과)긴밀하게 협의하고 있습니다.]

Recently revealed at the North Korean enthusiasm, he emphasized that it has superior surveillance, strike, and interception capabilities compared to North Korea in terms of new missiles, but continues to reinforce areas that lack response capabilities.

In addition, while nuclear submarines have to take into account finances and technological prowess, light aircraft carriers have been found to be quite feasible, indicating that they will actively pursue them.

They also announced that they would include a recruitment system in the review of military restructuring aimed at 2040 in consideration of the population cliff.

As the ROK-U.S. combined training in March is promoted toward command post exercises, it is noteworthy what position North Korea will take, which has called for the suspension of training.

YTN Kim Moon-kyung[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
