[정치]Self-employed people who shed tears…the solution to’corona inequality’ is temperature difference


Self-employed people who are suffering damage from the COVID-19 quarantine measures poured out tears asking for the National Assembly to be saved.

Both the ruling and opposition parties agreed that countermeasures for the inequality caused by Corona 19 were needed, but there was a temperature difference for specific solutions.

Reporter Han Yeon-hee reports.


On the same day, self-employed people, who had been closed for a long time due to strengthened quarantine measures, sought the power of the Democratic Party and the people, respectively.

Not only was his livelihood cut off by the indiscriminate gathering ban, but also tears were poured out saying he was suffering mental damage.

[경기석 / 한국코인노래연습장협회 회장 : 업주들을 생각하면 피눈물이 납니다. 일하는데 살려줘야 할 것 아닙니까. 어떻게 살려주실 겁니까?]

[김기홍 / 전국PC카페대책연합회 공동대표 : (아들이) 친구들이 코로나 옮는다고 가까이 오지 말라고 그런 소리한다고, 제가 정말 가슴이 너무 무너져서…. 저도 먹고살려고 자영업 하는 건데….]

Both parties agreed that countermeasures were needed, but the solutions offered were different.

First of all, the Democratic Party is considering legislation to compensate the self-employed who suffered losses.

In the long term, we have also initiated work to materialize a’profit sharing system’ that shares profits with industries or classes that have been affected by coronavirus booming industries.

[홍익표 / 더불어민주당 불평등 해소 TF 단장 : 민간에서 이뤄지는 사례들을 잘 다듬고 발전시키면서 우리 사회의 건강한 발전을 도모하고 소상공인, 중소기업, 취약계층에 새로운 성장의 기회를 제공하는 다양한 방안들을 마련할 수 있을 것입니다.]

However, the people’s strength is that the profit-sharing system is leaving the government’s work to the corporations, and he clarified the opposite position.

He said the government has promoted inequality, and urged the government to fix inconsistent quarantine measures first, and to provide financial support, including immediate compensation for losses and lower interest rates.

[최승재 / 국민의힘 소상공인위원장 : 재원도 있습니다. 말이 앞서 서는 안된다고 생각합니다. 불필요한 예산을 조정하면, 피해와 손실을 충실히 보상할 수 있습니다.]

As strengthened quarantine measures are prolonged, the damage to self-employed people is increasing.

As it is a problem directly related to livelihood, it seems urgent to go head-to-head with feasible measures rather than political strife.

This is YTN Han Yeon-hee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
