[정치]Se-Hoon Oh and Chul-Soo Ahn registered separate candidates… belatedly compete for concessions


On the last day of registration as a candidate for the by-election, the power of the people Oh Se-hoon and the Nationalist Party candidate Ahn Cheol-soo finally registered their candidates separately.

The fact that only one opposition candidate appeared on the ballot was across the water, but the two candidates confronted each other, made concessions, and continued a belated nerve war all day long.

Reporter Seung-Hwan Kim reports.


Last day of candidate registration.

Candidate Se-Hoon Oh and Chul-Soo Ahn met from the morning, but there was nothing to change right away.

Eventually, candidates were registered separately at the same location an hour apart.

[오세훈 / 국민의힘 서울시장 후보 : 서울시장을 탈환하여 정권 교체의 교두보 마련하라는 국민의 지상 명령을 따르겠습니다.]

[안철수 / 국민의당 서울시장 후보 : 반드시 단일화를 이루고 서울시장 선거에서 승리해서 정권 교체의 교두보를 놓겠습니다.]

The goal of being a bridgehead for regime change was the same, but the fierce flag battle continued throughout the day.

Candidate Chul-soo Ahn said that he would accept Oh’s proposal, and asked him to conduct a competitive opinion survey including landline telephones.

[안철수 / 국민의당 서울시장 후보 : 제게 불리하고 불합리하더라도 단일화를 조속히 이룰 수만 있다면 감수하겠습니다.]

Candidate Se-Hoon Oh doubted that his proposal was for both suitability and competitiveness, and that he would only accept it in words.

[오세훈 / 국민의힘 서울시장 후보 : 어떤 안을 100% 받아들인다고 한 지가 오히려 불투명해졌습니다. 안 후보님 수용의 정도가 어디까지인지가 정리가 되지 않습니다.]

The atmosphere quickly cooled down as we went to the party-level rebuttal press conference.

[정양석 / 국민의힘 사무총장 : 진정한 단일화를 위한 노력이 아니라, 보여주기식이고 또 상대를 곤란하게 하는….]

[안혜진 / 국민의당 대변인 : 진실 게임을 하자는 것인지요. 혹 3자 구도를 염두에 두고 계시는 건 아니십니까.]

Then, this time, the two candidates suddenly changed, and they agreed to make concessions to each other in different places.

[안철수 / 국민의당 서울시장 후보 : 이제 만족하십니까. 원하는 대로 모두 수용해드리겠습니다.]

[오세훈 / 국민의힘 서울시장 후보 : 제가 양보하고, 안철수 후보 측 요구를 전격 수용하는 결정을 하려고 합니다.]

It seems that both sides decided that their obsession with Yu and Buli was never in favor of approval ratings.

However, the marking of a single opposition candidate on the ballot has already been overrun.

That is why fierce nerve conduction and belated competition for concessions are also one step late.

YTN Seung-Hwan Kim[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
