[정치]Sang-ho Woo and Bong-ju Jeong “Agree on the unification of the two parties’ unified premise”…

Sang-ho Woo and Bong-ju Jeong “Unified candidates under the premise of unification of both parties”
“Agree on the procedure for unifying votes by the leadership and former party members”
“Promote the integration of both parties before the election of the Democratic Party and the Open Democratic Party”


Rep. Sang-ho Woo of the Democratic Party and former Parliamentary Chung Bong-ju of the Open Democratic Party, who have declared a run for the Seoul Mayor’s by-election, have agreed to unify the candidate for pan-passport under the premise of consolidation of the two parties.

Passports are also starting to unify candidates, and opposition parties aiming to recapture the mayor of Seoul continue to struggle for unification.

Learn more about connecting with Congress. Reporter Lee Yeon-ah!

Please summarize the results of the meeting.


Democratic Party Rep. Sang-ho Woo and former Democratic Party Rep. Jeong Bong-ju gathered their intentions to unify candidates at a meeting held at the National Assembly from 10 am on the premise of the two parties unification.

After the meeting, we announced an agreement.

Looking at the contents of the agreement, it contains the first agreement to unify candidates on the premise of consolidation, and then agreeing to the principle of promoting the unification procedure through the decision of the leadership and voting of all party members in accordance with the party regulations of both parties.

He also announced that he agreed to promote the integration of the Democratic Party and the Open Democratic Party before the election, and declare the unity in case of difficulties.

After the announcement of the agreement, Rep. Woo emphasized that the democratic party’s victory cannot be guaranteed if the opposition candidate is unified.

Listen for yourself.

[우상호 / 더불어민주당 서울시장 보궐선거 예비후보 : 양자 구도로 치러질 경우에도 승리할 수 있는 준비를 해야 한다는 절박함 속에서 통합이 추진돼야 한다고 봅니다.]

[정봉주 / 열린민주당 서울시장 보궐선거 예비후보 : 이런 훈훈한 상호 합의의 과정이 서울시장 재보궐선거에서 이어져서 좋은 결과로 맺어졌으면 합니다.]

However, there is no set date for the validity of the passport or the unification of candidates.

Rep. Wu explained that it is the nature of proposing agreements and proposals at the candidate level so that the leadership of both parties can move forward.

Former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-seon, who was running for the Seoul Mayor’s by-election, expressed his support for the unification of Seoul Mayor candidates and the consolidation of the two parties.


Let’s also look at the opposition.

How is the move to unify the opposition candidates going?


In the opposition, as the four-final tournament-style single primary draw is coming out as a single candidate solution, it is busy.

However, from the inside of the opposition, it is not easy as there is a tight battle over the unification of the candidate.

The People’s Power, Kim Jong-in, chairman of the Emergency Response Committee, appeared in the KBS late-night discussion yesterday and insisted that the opposition should be unified as a big party candidate, the People’s Power candidate.

In response, Candidate Ahn Chul-soo of the National Assembly met with reporters after examining the youth housing environment in Gwanak-gu, Seoul today, repeatedly emphasizing the importance of winning the conservative opposition.

Listen for yourself.

[안철수 / 국민의당 서울시장 보궐선거 예비후보 : 지금은 누가 이기는 게 중요한 게 아니라 야권이 승리하는 것이 중요합니다.]

In addition, discussions on the unification of the 3rd Zone People’s Party candidate Ahn Chul-soo and independent candidate Geum Tae-seop are not speeding up.

The list of working-level negotiations from both sides was announced, but it is said that the discussion on the timing of the discussion, the biggest issue, was not able to narrow the disagreement over before and after the Lunar New Year.


Here, the aftermath of the recording of Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo is leading to conflict between the opposition parties?


Currently, the power of the people is urging Chief Justice Kim Myung-soo to voluntarily resign, and is launching a intensive offensive day after day.

Spokesman Bae Jun-young, a spokesman for the power of the people, argued in a comment today that there are alternatives to the resignation of Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo in order to find trust in the judiciary.

Subsequently, if the transcripts of Chief Justice Kim Myung-soo had not been released, Chief Justice Kim insisted that the people would have been deceived forever.

On the other hand, the Democratic Party is confronting the act of secretly recording the conversation with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court as an impersonal trick.

Democratic Party spokesman Heo Young argued in a written briefing that the power of the people was obscuring the essence of judicial reform, taking the remarks of Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo identified in the transcript.

Political disputes between the opposition parties are intensifying, starting with a prosecution for impeachment of judges, leading to controversy over the remarks of Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo.

YTN Lee Yuna at the National Assembly so far[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
