[정치]ROK-US defense cost negotiations concluded… US “significant increase”


The negotiations for the US-Korea defense cost share, which led to a year and a half, were concluded 46 days after the inauguration of the US Biden administration.

Although the two countries have officially announced the conclusion of the negotiations, the details are not yet known, and the United States is attracting attention by revealing that it included a significant increase in South Korean contributions.

This is reporter Kim Do-won.


In the face-to-face negotiations held in one year, the ROK and the United States signed a special agreement to share defense costs.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that based on the discussions so far, a principle agreement was reached, and that after completing the internal reporting process, it will proceed with the announcement and go-to name.

The US State Department also confirmed the conclusion of the negotiations, saying that if the agreement goes into effect through procedures, it will contribute to strengthening the ROK-US alliance and the combined defense posture.

Details of the agreement, such as the amount of contributions, have not been disclosed.

However, the US State Department explained that the agreement included a’significant increase’ in South Korean contributions.

Until now, there has been popular observation that there is a high possibility of a settlement at the level of the 13% increase that was tentatively agreed last year by the ROK and the United States.

Regarding the validity of the agreement, the Wall Street Journal reports that it is valid until 2025, and Reuters reports that it is valid for six years.

With this settlement, the negotiations on defense cost contributions, which had been drifting for more than a year after former President Trump demanded a five-fold increase, ended 46 days after Biden took office.

The agreement is likely to be officially announced in line with the visits of the US Secretary of State and Defense, which are being promoted on the 17th.

The government is reported to be considering a way to explain the details of the agreement this week.

In order for the agreement to take effect, it must be approved by the National Assembly, followed by an official name and formal signature.

The government has announced that it will resolve the gap in the agreement that has lasted for more than a year through prompt signing.

YTN Kim Do-won[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
