[정치]’Relegation’ North Korea’s Kim Yeo-jeong poured out harsh criticism against our military

Kim Jong-un “Strengthens nuclear war deterrence to become the strongest military power”
Kim Yeo-jeong, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff criticized harshly
“The North’s Fever-Sik Precision Tracking, Hostile Perspective of Their Kinds”


Labor Party Secretary Kim Jong-un again revealed his determination to strengthen military power as he concluded the 8th Party Congress today.

Kim Yeo-jeong, who appears to have been demoted from the first vice-president to vice-president, harshly criticized our military.

We will connect reporters to learn more. Reporter Hwang Hye-kyung!

Did you mention that North Korea concluded the 8th Party Congress yesterday and mentioned strengthening its nuclear deterrent?


Yes, Chairman Kim Jong-un said at the conclusion of the 8th Party Congress yesterday that we should do everything we can to strengthen our nuclear war deterrence and build the strongest military power.

Chairman Kim emphasized that it is necessary to continue to spur the project to maximize and strengthen the People’s Army so that it can fulfill its mission and role as the subject of national defense against any form of threat and injustice.

However, it did not come up with a message directed directly at us and the United States.

The 8th Party Congress in North Korea, which opened on the 5th, ended yesterday and all ended on the 8th schedule.

This is the second longest itinerary ever since the 5th Party Congress held on the 12th of 1970.

North Korea also said it would convene the Supreme People’s Assembly on the 17th.

It is expected that the party will follow-up measures such as budget, legislation, and personnel.

Chairman Kim also visited the Geumsusan Solar Palace with the newly elected party leaders after the party convention.

Party secretary Cho Yong-won, who is close to the party, was called as the second member of the standing committee yesterday in a report related to the divisional council, and also stood right to the right of Chairman Kim Jong-un during a visit to Mt.


In the midst of this, Chairman Kim Jong-un’s younger brother, Kim Yeo-jeong, harshly criticized our military authorities?


Yes, Vice Minister Kim Yeo-jeong announced a speech that harshly criticized the Korean military authorities for tracking the trend of the 8th Labor Party Congress commemorating the parade ceremony.

Vice-minister Kim accused the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the fact that the North Koreans had held a feverish ceremony on the 10th, or that the North was pursuing closely, was an unobtrusive expression of a hostile view of their own people.

Earlier, the Joint Chiefs of Staff announced on the 10th that North Korea caught the situation in which North Korea held a party conference-related parade at Kim Il-sung Square in the middle of the night.

It seems to be aimed at reports like this.

In addition, through this talk, it was confirmed that Kim Yeo-jeong’s position was initially demoted from the first vice-president to vice-chief.

At this conference, after he was lowered from a candidate of the Party Political Bureau to a member of the Central Committee of the Party, the party’s position was also demoted, drawing attention to the background.

However, despite being the vice-president, the position was lowered in that a discourse on criticism was announced in the name of Kim Yeo-jeong, but it is analyzed that the political status and role are maintained.

This is YTN Hwang Hye-kyung.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
