[정치]Real estate pledge structure that confronts tightly… Public pre-sale vs. ease of reconstruction and redevelopment


Real estate pledges are pouring out as’catching house prices’ has emerged as the hottest topic in the Seoul Mayor’s by-election.

In addition, the Democratic Party’s preliminary candidates are focusing on the pledge to supply public housing for sale, and the People’s Strength Preliminary Candidates and CEO Ahn Chul-soo emphasize the easing of redevelopment and reconstruction regulations.

The Justice Party, faced with a big crisis due to the sexual harassment incident, today decides whether to nominate a by-election.

Congress connects. Reporter Baek Jong-gyu!

The key to the real estate pledge of the Democratic Party candidates is to expand public sales.


Yes, the first step in the Democratic Party to run for the Seoul Mayor by-election is to build 160,000 public housing units.

The plan is to suppress the rise in house prices by increasing the proportion of public housing, which is only 8% of all houses.

In addition, the plan is to provide public pre-sale housing by subdividing the number of floor spaces to meet various demand groups.

[우상호 / 더불어민주당 의원 (YTN 출연, 지난 26일) : 저는 16만 호에 달하는 공공주택을 도심지 철길과 강변도로 위를 인공대지를 씌워서 공급하겠다….]

The pledge of former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun is similar.

They are saying that they will build 300,000 public pre-sale houses within 5 years to relieve the housing shortage.

It is claimed to be able to provide half-price apartments by using land rental methods, etc. as land created by undergrounding roads.

[박영선 / 전 중소벤처기업부 장관 (지난 27일) : 시유지만 해도 상당히 많이 있습니다. 주택 가구의 배치를 어떻게 하느냐에 따라서 가구 수는 얼마든지 조정이 가능한 것이고요.]

However, there is a difference in opinion about the reconstruction and redevelopment that mainly comes from the opposition.

Rep. Woo is in the position that only the underdeveloped areas of Gangbuk will be partially released.

Former Minister Park said that he would respect the private reconstruction and redevelopment and apply this to the Gangnam region, which is leading the rise in real estate prices.


Reconstruction and redevelopment, where the two prospective candidates for the Democratic Party differ from each other, are the core pledges of the people’s strength and the People’s Party, right?


That’s right.

Preliminary candidates for the power of the people consistently criticize the government’s real estate policy and are in a position to lift restrictions on both reconstruction and redevelopment.

First, former lawmaker Na Gyeong-won made a pledge to abolish the ceiling on pre-sale prices and rebuild the way residents want.

By expanding the floor area ratio, the limit on the height of the 35th floor was lifted, and the intention to introduce a one-stop deliberation system for redevelopment and reconstruction was also revealed.

[나경원 / 전 국민의힘 의원 (어제) : 재개발 재건축 확 풀어드려야 합니다. 집을 사고 싶은 사고 짓고 싶은 사람은 짓고 집을 팔고 싶은 사람은 팔 수 있게 해 드려야 합니다.]

Se-Hoon Oh’s former mayor’s pledge is similar to that of former lawmakers, but emphasized the expansion of redevelopment and reconstruction, and suggested ways to increase supply by easing regulations in drawers such as deregulation on floor area ratio and abolition of altitude restrictions.

[오세훈 / 전 서울시장 (지난 17일) : 되도록 많은 분이 재개발·재건축에 활발히 뛰어들면서도 박탈감을 느끼지 않도록 최선의 노력을 다하겠다….]

Cheol-soo Ahn, CEO of the National Assembly Party, is emphasizing the supply of 746,000 housing units for five years.

It is to find idle spaces and actively promote redevelopment and reconstruction projects to expand supply.

[안철수 / 국민의당 대표 (지난 14일) : 용적률을 최대한 완화해 줌으로써 정비사업을 통한 주거환경개선과 함께 총 30만 호 주택공급을 달성하겠습니다.]


In the midst of this, the Justice Party is going to discuss whether to nominate the by-election today?


Yes, the Justice Party, which deprived former president Kim Jong-cheol, who was controversial over the sexual harassment incident, is holding a national committee today.

The National Committee, the highest decision-making body, is held by video conference, and will seriously discuss whether or not to nominate the 4·7 by-election, which has been considered repeatedly.

It is known that the opinion of the Justice Party to recognize the seriousness of the situation and not to issue a nomination is not easy.

Along with this issue, discussions regarding the party leadership system will also take place.

However, within the Justice Party, opinions on the general resignation of the leadership are tight.

Former CEO Kim Jong-cheol held an emergency response meeting after the fact of sexual harassment was known, but there is an opinion claiming that the delegation resigns, saying that such measures are insufficient to restore trust.

On the other hand, there are many opinions that the remaining leadership should play a role in order to normalize the party.

The Justice Party is scheduled to make a final conclusion at the National Committee today on whether to nominate the by-election and withdraw from the leadership.

YTN Baek Jong-kyu at the National Assembly so far[[email protected]]is.
