[정치]Prosecution for impeachment of judges is initiated today…


This extraordinary National Assembly is held just two months before the re-election in April.

In fact, it seems that the flag battle over the political leadership will be fiercer than ever, as it is the first war of re-election.

Then we will connect with the National Assembly and find out more details. Reporter Lee Yeon-ah!

You mean the Democratic Party is initiating an impeachment lawsuit today?


Yes, it is.

The Democratic Party proposes a prosecution for impeachment against Judge Im Seong-geun, who was involved in Gukjeong Nongdan during the days of Supreme Court Chief Yang Seung-tae.

The plan is to vote on the plenary session on the 4th after the report of the plenary session tomorrow.

Not only Democratic Party Rep. Lee Tan-hee, who is the representative sponsor, but also Lee Nak-yeon, etc. were named as co-sponsors.

Since the current democratic party, the Justice Party and the Open Democratic Party, all agree on impeachment, the impeachment bill that requires a majority vote of 151 members is likely to be passed at the extraordinary National Assembly this February.

The Democratic Party decided not to adopt it as a party argument, but to proceed with a voluntary vote, but it is known that the party is forming a high consensus.

At today’s Democratic Party’s Supreme Council meeting, Rep. Shin Dong-geun argued that the proposal for impeachment of judges was the way to realize the separation of powers.

Let’s listen.

[신동근 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 국회의 판사 탄핵 소추는 3권 분립에 위배되는 것이 아니라 3권 분립을 제대로 구현하는 것입니다. 이번 판사 탄핵소추는 민주주의 역사에 또 하나의 커다란 이정표가 될 것입니다.]

On the other hand, he argued that the power of the people was an attempt to seize the judiciary with Eui Seok-soo.

Spokesman Yoon Hee-seok, a spokesman for the power of the people, made a comment this morning and emphasized that the impeachment of the judges would be a threat and a means of retaliation for judges who ruled against the ruling party.

At a meeting of the People’s Power Emergency Countermeasures Committee this morning, Congressman Seong Il-jong argued that “in a country where the separation of three powers is specified in the constitution, the sword dance of the giant ruling party to tame the judiciary is intensifying.”

Let’s listen.

[성일종 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원 : 민주당이 이렇게 무리하게 판사 탄핵을 추진하는 이유는 뻔합니다. 현재 조국, 김경수, 송철호 등 윤석열 총장의 살아있는 권력 수사로 기소된 여권 핵심 인사들에게 무죄 선고를 내리라는 협박입니다.]

Even if the current impeachment bill passes the National Assembly, there is a possibility that a decision to dismiss the Constitutional Court will be raised as it does not meet the requirements for impeachment.


Next, we will look into the suspicion of the North Korean nuclear power plant construction.

The Democratic Party is calling for a cessation of the politics of the North Wind Duke, and the people’s power is insisting on a national politics investigation. Is there any progress in the discussion?


People’s power officially demanded the National Assembly investigation into the suspicion of the North Korean nuclear power plant construction, and the Democratic Party rejected it.

At the National Assembly this morning, a meeting of the representatives of the ruling and opposition parties presided over by National Assembly Speaker Park Byung-seok was held.

The power of the people Joo Ho-young, the representative of the hospital, proposed a state affairs investigation, saying that there was a plan to erase the nuclear power plant from North Korea without national consent, based on the background that the document was written and erased by the Ministry of Industry after the Panmunjom talks.

Let’s listen.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표 : 서로 정치공방만 할 것이 아니라 국회가 국정조사를 해서 이 점을 명백히 밝히는 게 좋겠다 또 청와대나 여당 측에서는 사실무근이라 하는데 사실무근이라는 이야기만 가지고 의혹이 말끔히 해소될 수 있는 성격은 아니다.]

However, Democratic Party leader Kim Tae-nyeon refused to investigate the state affairs, saying that the facts were all confirmed because the Blue House, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Unification explained in detail.

Let’s listen.

[김태년 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 : 이 시점에서 상식적으로 봐도 추진할 수 없었던 그런 사업을 왜 야당에서 이렇게 문제 삼을까 생각해 보면 아쉽게도 큰 선거가 다가왔구나. 이렇게 판단이 됩니다.]

Although officially refused to investigate the state affairs, the political battle is expected to continue.

The Democratic Party argues that it is a color theory that is repeated every election season, and it is insisting that the old and low-level politics be stopped. .

YTN Lee Yuna in the political department[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
