[정치]”Promotion of real estate measures without disruption”…the public apologizes for’LH suspicion’

President Moon “Promoted to prevent disruption in measures against the 2nd and 4th real estate”
Prime Minister Chung apologizes to the public… “Awareness of Severity Heavily”
“Preparation of recurrence prevention measures such as transaction restrictions and unfair profit recovery”


President Moon Jae-in emphasized the supply of Byun Chang-heum votes, saying that the government’s real estate countermeasures should be carried out without a hitch apart from the speculation investigation regarding the’LH land speculation suspicion.’

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun is also planning to call the prosecutor’s office today (10th) to discuss plans for investigation and cooperation.

This is reporter Cha Jung-yoon.


Regarding the’LH suspicion,’ President Moon Jae-in said that speculation should be investigated as speculative, but real estate supply measures should be pursued without a hitch.

They drew a line in the proposal for dismissal of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport by the opposition party, Byeon Chang-heum, and the argument for abolition of the 2·4 real estate countermeasures.

President Moon stressed that the government’s trust in supply measures should not be shaken, and rather emphasized a sense of speed.

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun also began to address public sentiment with a message of apology to the public.

He said he was sorry for the people who felt betrayed and disappointed by the incident, and explained his perception of the situation that the government is also taking seriously.

In addition, he added that if other cases of lawlessness related to speculation are revealed, we will take strict measures and establish strict measures to prevent recurrence, such as restrictions on land transactions and recovery of unfair profits.

The government plans to discuss plans for investigation and cooperation with the prosecutor’s office on this morning (10th) with the prosecutor’s office, including police chief Kim Chang-ryong and prosecutor general Cho Nam-gwan.

It is a willingness to take root through a thorough investigation without suspicion in accordance with the instructions of President Moon, who emphasized organic cooperation with the speculum.

[정세균 / 국무총리 : 제기된 모든 의혹에 대해서는 한점의 의문도 남지 않도록 철저하게 조사하겠습니다. 이번 조사와 수사를 통해 확인된 위법행위에 대해서도 일말의 관용도 허용치 않겠습니다.]

The government is scheduled to disclose the results of the first investigation on the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and LH employees tomorrow (11th), and the Blue House is also planning to first announce the investigations on staff and their families at the level of the secretary or higher within this week.

YTN Cha Jung-yoon[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
