[정치]President Moon “We apologize for the feelings of collapse and disappointment”…First apology after two weeks of the LH crisis

President Moon “regrets”… First apology for LH
“I will cut off the chain of real estate corruption that is widespread in society
Order to strengthen ethics regulations and internal control systems of public institutions


President Moon Jae-in directly apologized for his remorse to the public regarding the LH speculation allegations.

With this incident, he said he will break the chain of real estate corruption that is prevalent in our society and fundamentally reform public institutions.

Reporter Na Yeon-soo reports.


Two weeks after some LH employees were suspicious of speculation in the third new city, President Moon Jae-in apologized directly to the public.

[문재인 / 대통령 : 국민께 큰 심려를 끼쳐드려 송구한 마음입니다. 특히 성실하게 살아가는 국민께 큰 허탈감과 실망을 드렸습니다.]

He emphasized that he will seriously recognize the structure of corruption in our society and refine its attitude, and that he will surely break the chain of real estate corruption that is widespread in society, starting with public officials.

For public institutions, we have ordered fundamental reforms that reflect on public responsibility and duty.

Apart from the enactment of the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act discussed by the National Assembly, it is an order to strengthen its own code of work ethics and establish an internal control system for corruption prevention, sanctions, and supervision.

[문재인 / 대통령 : 기재부 등 공공기관을 관리하는 부처에서는 공공기관 경영평가에서 공공성과 윤리경영의 비중을 대폭 강화해 주기 바랍니다.]

However, the people’s strength assessed that it was doubtful whether the people would believe in the sincerity of the apology without the determination of resigning the cabinet under the prime minister and renewing the state affairs altogether.

It is a position that the 2·4 real estate policy, which has already lost trust, should be completely abolished and regulations should be relaxed to increase private supply.

President Moon said that the government, which was born through the candlelight revolution, has been doing its best to counter corruption and injustice, but he bowed his head saying that there is still a long way to go.

It seems that they recognized that it is difficult to calm down the situation only with the keynote of’breaking through the front’ that was revealed a day ago.

YTN Na Yeon-su[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
