[정치]President Moon “Let’s see you in the near future”…Directly presided over NSC

President Moon and Biden send inauguration celebration
“President Biden, America will achieve unity and prosperity”
President Moon checks diplomatic strategy in NSC plenary meeting


President Moon Jae-in sent a congratulatory congratulatory message to US President Biden, saying that he hopes to meet in person in the near future, strengthening his strong will for the ROK-US alliance.

Following this, we directly presided over the first National Security Council and NSC plenary meeting this year to review the Korean government’s diplomatic and security policies in line with the launch of the Biden administration.

Reporter Na Yeon-soo reports.


President Moon Jae-in, in his inaugural congratulations to President Joe Biden, expected that President Biden would achieve unity and prosperity in the United States as a prepared president.

He also supported that Korea will always be with the United States as a strong ally and reliable partner.

He said, “We will continue to steadfastly cooperate for strengthening the ROK-US alliance and for peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and in the region.

He expressed his willingness to close the Korea-US summit early by saying that he wishes to meet in person in the near future and have a heartfelt conversation.

President Moon then directly presided over this year’s first National Security Council and NSC plenary meeting, and reviewed changes in the diplomatic situation and government response following the inauguration of the Biden administration.

[문재인 / 대통령 : 변화하는 국제질서와 안보환경에 더욱 능동적이며 주도적으로 대응해 나가면서 한미동맹을 더욱 포괄적이며 호혜적인 책임동맹으로 발전시켜 나갈 것입니다.]

This is the 14th time President Moon has presided over the NSC meeting, and it has been about 1 year and 9 months since the forest fire in Goseong, Gangwon-do in April 2019.

President Moon specifically urged the government to do its best until the end so that a great turnaround can be achieved in the halted dialogue between North and South America.

[문재인 / 대통령 : 한반도 평화 프로세스는 선택이 아니라 반드시 가야만 하는 길입니다. 평화의 시계가 다시 움직여 나가도록 최선을 다해줄 것을 당부합니다.]

President Moon also congratulated the new beginning of the United States by directly citing President Biden’s words, “The United States is back,” in an article previously posted on social media.

It may even give the impression that cooperation with the Trump administration in the past was unclear, but it can be seen that the realistic judgment that cooperation with the current US government is so important to the progress of the peace process on the Korean Peninsula.

YTN Na Yeonsu[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
