[정치]President Moon “Korea-US, a 70-year partner…continue to work together to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula”

President Moon Jae-in interviewed the US Secretary of State and Defense, and emphasized that as partners for 70 years, the ROK and the United States will continue to work together for complete denuclearization and lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula.

At the same time, the 2+2 Ministerial Meeting and the defense cost negotiations were concluded after five years, and evaluated that it became the foundation for a more stable development with the Biden administration.

Let’s listen to it yourself.

[문재인 / 대통령]

I think that the first visit to Korea together after the two heads of diplomacy and security of the United States took office shows President Biden’s strong commitment to the ROK-US alliance.

We welcome the return of the United States, the return of diplomacy, and the restoration of the alliance, which began with the inauguration of the Biden administration, and the international community is highly anticipated for US leadership amid complex crises.

The coronavirus situation in the United States is rapidly stabilizing due to the successful vaccine supply, and expectations for economic recovery are rising due to groundbreaking economic stimulus measures, and I think they all show the leadership of the Biden administration.

As a 70-year partner that shares values ​​and philosophies such as democracy and human rights, the ROK and the United States will cope with common challenges together, and in particular, will continue to cooperate closely for complete denuclearization and lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Following the individual ministers’ meeting yesterday, the 2+2 talks were held today in 5 years and went to the defense cost sharing agreement, which is very meaningful in that with the inauguration of the Biden administration, a solid foundation for the ROK-US alliance to develop more stably. It’s big.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
