[정치]President Moon instructs the Eastern Detention Center several times… the power of the people to “Apologize directly”


It is reported that President Moon Jae-in has ordered special inspections several times in relation to the outbreak of COVID-19 outbreak in the eastern detention center in Seoul.

With the number of confirmed cases from the Eastern Detention Center far exceeding 1,000, the power of the people criticized Moon for direct apology, citing past contributions from President Moon.

Reporter Na Yeon-soo reports.


On the 15th of last month, 15 people were diagnosed with Corona 19 at the Eastern Detention Center in Seoul.

Due to the rapid spread of the virus in high-density detention facilities, the cumulative number of confirmed cases from Eastern detention centers exceeded 1,000.

Meanwhile, President Moon Jae-in is known to have ordered’special inspections’ several times.

In a phone call with YTN, a key Blue House official said that President Moon has repeatedly requested a special management of the situation at the Eastern Detention Center in a recent meeting with the Blue House staff.

It is said that the same order was followed that the total investigation was conducted five times at the Eastern Detention Center.

Previously, Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun and Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae apologized for the occurrence of a large-scale infection in government facilities.

In the same context, it seems that the situation was directly checked by visiting a detention center for the new year.

[정세균 / 국무총리 (어제) : 첫 번째 확진자가 나왔을 때부터 선제적으로 대응했더라면 지금과 같은 위기 상황을 막을 수 있었을 텐데 초동대응이 미흡했던 점이 매우 안타깝다고 말씀드리겠습니다.]

The power of the people, however, did not delay the offensive, saying that Prime Minister Chung came to the scene late and Minister Chu apologized for being pushed.

Quoting the former President Moon’s contribution,’The violation of inmates’ human rights and poor treatment are like playing a boxing match with one player tied up,’

President Moon, a former human rights lawyer, pointed out that he was sorry for his sincerity to apologize to the public after inspecting the site himself.

In addition, the Democratic Party drew a line of resolutely responding to the excessive political offensive of the opposition party, despite being heavily reprimanded for lack of initial response.

The number of new confirmed cases has dropped to 600, but the fact that more than 120 of them came from the eastern detention center has great implications.

It seems difficult to avoid criticism that it is a procrastination response even if there is a special order from President Moon.

YTN Na Yeonsu[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
