[정치]President Moon “Boldly, without practical skills”… Democratic Party “I need to help in March”


President Moon Jae-in said that he would come up with a plan to overcome the crisis without missing the time, and requested bipartisan cooperation from the politicians to discuss the 4th disaster subsidy.

In addition, the Democratic Party is planning to hurry up with the party administration so that the 4th disaster subsidy can be paid next month.

Reporter Na Yeon-soo reports.


President Moon Jae-in said that a new infectious disease has never swept the world for so long, and that we are walking on a’path that we have never experienced’.

Although we are receiving excellent results in various economic indicators, we ordered the speed of the 4th disaster subsidy, saying that it will not be able to comfort the people in need of each day.

[문재인 / 대통령 : 정부는 재정이 감당할 수 있는 범위 안에서 과감하게, 실기하지 않고, 충분한 위기 극복 방안을 강구하는 데 최선을 다할 것입니다.]

However, he asked for bipartisan cooperation from the politicians, saying that it is not easy to judge what is best, as if conscious of the political controversy over selective and universal payments.

[문재인 / 대통령 : 최종적인 책임은 정부에게 있습니다. 정부가 책임을 다할 수 있도록 모두가 함께 지혜를 모아주시고, 또 마음을 모아주실 것을 당부드립니다.]

In addition, the Democratic Party has announced that it will start discussing the 4th disaster subsidy soon.

Democratic Party CEO Nak-yeon Lee appeared at YTN and said that the party’s demands have been reflected a lot in the process of distributing disaster support funds over the past three times, and that this time, more support is needed than the government thinks.

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표 : 좀 서둘렀으면 합니다. 제 욕심 같아서는 3월을 넘기지 않고 도와드릴 수 있다면 좋겠다, 이렇게 생각합니다.]

The Democratic Party is thinking of a plan to hurry up the party-political consultation as soon as possible within this month to receive an additional government bill and pass it through the provisional National Assembly in March.

However, the opposition party is setting a corner saying that the discussion on disaster subsidies is’populism’ aimed at re-election in April, and there is considerable disagreement with the financial authorities right now.

As President Moon said,’I will not do it,’ it is expected that a working-level consultation will be held before the Lunar New Year holidays to reconcile disagreements between party political parties.

YTN Na Yeonsu[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
