[정치]President Moon “apologizes for confusion as a person in charge of human resources”…

President Moon “Return to President Yoon, respect for court decision”
President Moon apologizes again and takes care of the situation
Declining state power… Struggling to find breakthroughs such as the second reorganization
Willingness to restore relations with the prosecution… It seems to accept Chu Miae’s company


Shortly after Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol returned to office, President Moon Jae-in expressed his apology for a series of confusion as a personnel authority.

In order to complete the reform work, the prosecution and the Ministry of Justice have been requested to cooperate, but it is expected that the cabinet and staff, including Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae, will soon be reorganized.

Reporter Na Yeon-soo reports.


President Moon Jae-in said he respected the court’s decision to return to office by Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol.

Unexpectedly, I bowed my head about the deepening of the political conflict and confusion.

[강민석 / 청와대 대변인 : 문 대통령은 ‘결과적으로 국민께 불편과 혼란을 초래하게 된 것에 대해, 인사권자로서 사과 말씀을 드린다’고 밝혔습니다.]

He hoped that the prosecution would be an opportunity to reflect on the fair and moderate exercise of the prosecution’s power.

Earlier on the 16th, after approving the disciplinary bill of President Yoon,

[정만호 / 청와대 국민소통수석(지난 16일) : 검찰총장 징계라는 초유의 사태에 이르게 된 데 대해 임명권자로서 무겁게 받아들인다, 국민께 매우 송구하다고 밝혔습니다.]

The day after the court stopped the disciplinary action, he apologized again and went directly to the settlement.

A key member of the Blue House said that the president’s intention is that there should be no more conflict and confusion after a disaster crisis has been going on for a year, and that the message is focused on’correction and stability’.

The situation where the affirmative evaluation of President Moon’s performance of state administration fell below the 40% level for the first time through the’conflict politics’ and a vaccine controversy arose in the third pandemic of Corona 19 is a huge burden on the Blue House.

Therefore, there are observations that President Moon will sooner or later turn to the second reshuffle and staff reorganization.

As the order was made to restore the relationship between the Ministry of Justice and the prosecution, it is expected to accept the appreciation of Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae, who led the discipline of President Yoon.

As national stability is urgent, there is a high possibility that the timing will not exceed this year.

There is also a possibility of raising public opinion in the appearance that the staff including Noh Young-min, chief of the secretary’s office, are taking responsibility for a series of incidents and withdrawing.

As the width of the replacement increases, the possibility of another controversy or conflict in the process of appointment of a successor increases.

YTN Na Yeonsu[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
