[정치]President Moon and staff members also instructed the 3rd new town to conduct a thorough investigation


President Moon Jae-in ordered a total survey of land transactions in the 3rd new town for all employees of the Blue House.

The government joint investigation team visited the LH headquarters to check the overall status of the management of public office discipline along with the preparations for a full investigation of alleged speculation.

Reporter Na Yeon-soo reports.


The government conducted a full investigation on allegations of speculation against public officials in charge of related public enterprises such as the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, LH, and related local governments, but until the day before, the Blue House employees were not subject to the investigation.

[정세균 / 국무총리(어제 현안 브리핑) : (이번에 조사대상에 국토위 공무원이나 청와대 정책 책임자도 대상이 되나요?) 국회나 청와대는 검토한 바 없습니다.]

President Moon Jae-in, however, saw that the matter was serious and ordered a full investigation of the land transaction in the third new city for the Blue House employees and their families.

The targets of the investigation include all employees, including the Blue House chief, secretary, and administrator, including themselves, their spouse, and their immediate family members.

A key member of the Blue House said that under the direction of President Moon, the Blue House has prepared an investigation plan and has already initiated its own investigation.

In addition, he explained that a task force in charge of Secretary-General Yoo Young-min was launched to support and inspect the joint investigation team in the Prime Minister’s Office.

President Moon is said to have instructed the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum, as former president of LH, to take on this matter with extraordinary awareness and determination.

A joint government investigation team under the Prime Minister’s Office headed to the LH headquarters in Jinju, Gyeongnam.

This is to check the preparation status of LH headquarters while first conducting the first investigation of land transaction details for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and LH employees.

[정부 합동조사단 관계자 : 3기 신도시 관련 토지거래 전수조사 진행 상황 하고 복무관리 실태 점검차 왔습니다. (의혹받고 계신 분들 대면 조사는? …….]

A key official of the Joint Investigation Group said that it will conduct a basic survey on the overall status of the public service discipline management at LH headquarters, and that it will check what institutional measures the headquarters has in place for employees’ for-profit activities or suspicion of leakage of internal information.

However, regarding the police accusation against 13 LH employees, the policy is not to intervene to prevent controversy from interfering with the investigation as the investigation is currently underway.

Regarding allegations of speculation by LH employees, President Moon is ordering special measures every day.

Along with the situation in which the real estate policy that has been consistently promoted throughout the term will be put to a brake, it is also possible to warn against the possibility that the controversy will again turn to the issue of’justice and fairness’ and act as a bad news for the passport.

YTN Na Yeon-su[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
