[정치]’Preliminary Feasibility Study Exemption’ TK’Bubble’ in Gadeokdo Special Law


The Busan Gadeokdo New Airport Special Act, which allowed the preliminary feasibility study to be waived, has crossed the threshold of the National Assembly’s National Land, Infrastructure and Transport Commission.

In fact, the Daegu and Gyeongbuk lawmakers who have been competing for the new airport, saying that it is a preferential treatment for the Busan area, are boiling.

With the by-election of the mayor of Busan ahead, they cannot express themselves openly, and the people’s strength is complicated.

This is Yoon Jae-hee.


The core of the Gadeokdo Special Law, which passed the National Assembly’s Land Transport Commission, is to simplify the construction process of the new airport.

As it was pointed out that the procedure was skipped excessively, the point of contact was found that the exemption from the preliminary feasibility study went through the judgment of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy.

[이헌승 / 국회 국토교통위 소위원장(국민의힘, 어제) : 예비 타당성 조사 부분도 ‘필요할 경우에 면제할 수 있다’로 정해놓았습니다. ‘하여야 한다’는 강제 규정이 아니고 임의 규정으로 정리를 했습니다.]

Concerns were raised immediately in that the preliminary feasibility study was omitted as the government intended, even though the ball was handed over to the registration department.

[심상정 / 정의당 의원(어제) : 이번처럼 그렇게 기가 막힌 법은 제가 처음 봅니다. 묻지도 따지지도 않고 법으로 밀어붙여서 하는 것이 선거를 위한 매표 공항이 아니고 도대체 뭡니까!]

Not only the ruling party, but also Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum agreed that there was no big problem, saying that they fully discussed the necessity.

[변창흠 / 국토교통부 장관(어제) : 판단이 좀 개입된 것이 아닌가, 특별한 공항이기 때문에 절차나 이런 데서 특별하게 신속하게 처리할 수 있는 그런….]

[조응천 / 더불어민주당 의원(어제) : 너무 그렇게 크게 묻지도 따지지도 않고 했다는 점에 대해선 염려를 하지 않으셔도 될 것 같다는 말씀 꼭 드립니다.]

The Democratic Party immediately welcomed.

CEO Nak-Yeon Lee emphasized that the new airport of Gadeok Island has finally come into view through social media, and that it will be opened before the 2030 Busan Expo.

On the other hand, the power of the people is complicated inside.

It is also a problem to skip the procedure, but as the discussions on the Daegu-Gyeongbuk new airports that were decided to be handled together have been postponed, concerns arise that the preferential treatment will only be given to Busan.

Yes, it takes Busan public sentiment to openly oppose it.

As the Busan Mayor’s by-election is nearing, it is difficult for the Daegu Gyeongbuk lawmakers to openly oppose it, but after the election, there is a high possibility that the confrontation between TK and PK will trigger again.

YTN Jaehee Yoon[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
