[정치]Preliminary candidates for the Seoul Mayor’s by-election,’total strength’ on the last day of the holiday


With the by-election of the mayor of Seoul less than two months away, both the ruling and the opposition candidates are continuing their wide strides during the Lunar New Year holidays.

In particular, ahead of full-scale competition such as this week’s TV debate, the candidates are focusing on policy competition and public sentiment competition today, the last day of the holiday.

Connect with reporters to the National Assembly to learn more. Reporter Lee Kyung-guk!

As the elections are nearing, competition among candidates is intensifying.

First, how are Democrats spending the last day of the holiday?


That’s right. Both the opposition and opposition candidates for the mayor of Seoul are having a busy holiday.

First, the Democratic Party’s preliminary candidate, former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun and Rep. Woo Sang-ho, have a TV discussion ahead of tomorrow.

The curtain of a full-fledged campaign is coming up.

Former Minister Park Young-seon began today’s schedule by visiting the graveyard of Ahn Jung-geun on the day of the death penalty.

Afterwards, he visited the Dunchon Library in Gangdong-gu, Seoul, which was designed to utilize new and renewable energy, and re-emphasized the concept of a ’21 minute compact city’, a key pledge.

At the same time, Democratic Party Rep. Sang-ho Woo held a press conference to verify the policies proposed by former Minister Park.

Rep. Woo strongly criticized former Minister Park for suggesting abstract plans such as the city and vertical gardens in the 21st minute.

Let’s listen.

[우상호 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 특정 분야에 국한된 빈약한 공약이란 게 제 첫 번째 의문입니다. 박영선 후보에게 요청합니다. 서울시민의 삶 전반에 걸친 구체적인 공약을 이제라도 말씀해주시길 바랍니다.]

He also added that he would continue a sharp verification after that, but fierce competition for policy is expected in the future.


The opposition runners are also busy moving?


That’s right. The people’s strength candidates plan to hold discussions with the day after tomorrow on the 19th.

‘Third Zone’ Ahn Cheol-soo and former independent lawmaker Geum Tae-seop decided to hold a discussion meeting tomorrow, but it is said that there will be some setbacks due to working-level discussions.

As the election atmosphere is heating up, the opposition runners are also on a busy schedule.

First, former Congressman Na Kyung-won, the power of the people, plans to join the camp this afternoon with former lawmaker Kim Seon-dong, who was a candidate for the Seoul Mayor’s preliminary contest, to gather in the party.

Afterwards, it is scheduled to walk the Namsan Dulle-gil with former lawmaker Tae-seop Geum, and discussions on unification of pan-optics are expected to proceed.

Former Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon announced this morning a pledge to resolve youth employment difficulties and housing problems.

Let’s hear it yourself.

[오세훈 / 전 서울시장 : 첨단 과학기술 분야의 취업창업 시에 필요한 실전 교육을 온·오프라인 플랫폼을 통해 무료로 제공하는…. (또) 청년 월세지원 확대입니다. 연간 5천 명 지원하는 것을 10배로 늘려서….]

Mayor Oh is planning to hold a meeting with the head of the Abused Children’s Center in the afternoon to discuss measures to prevent child abuse.

Ahn Cheol-soo, the head of the National Assembly Party, visited the commercial district in Myeong-dong, which was greatly damaged by the prolonged Corona 19.

It is a plan to guarantee the survival rights of merchants driven out of business, and to seek measures to revitalize the commercial district.

Amid a fierce election campaign, candidates are focusing on policy competition and public sentiment even today, the last day of the holiday season.

So far, the National Assembly has delivered it.

Lee Kyung-guk [[email protected]]

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
