[정치]Party administration “4th subsidy of 19.5 trillion won… 2 million additional support targets”


In addition, the Democratic Party and the government held a high-ranking party-government consultation and finally confirmed the target and scale of the 4th disaster subsidy to support Corona 19 damage.

The total scale alone is the largest in history at KRW 19.500 trillion, and the newly added support is expected to reach 2 million.

Reporter Song Jae-in’s report.


After a month of consultations between the Democratic Party and the government, the 4th Disaster Subsidy Discussion has ended.

The total amount of support is 19 trillion won and 14 trillion won.

[정세균 / 국무총리 : 신속하고 넓고 두터운 지원이 필요하다는 당의 요구를 수용해 20조 원 수준의 추가 지원 방안을 마련했습니다.]

To match the scale, the number of targets for support is greatly increased.

Specially-employed workers, freelancers, corporate taxi drivers, and even street vendors across the country who were excluded from support due to difficulties in determining their income are now able to receive support.

Following the addition of new founders, the existing general and service sectors also increased the target by relaxing the support standards.

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표 : 이제까지 지원대상이 아니었던 분들 가운데 이번에 새롭게 대상에 들어오신 분들이 얼추 200만 명이 추가되는 것 같습니다.]

In accordance with the principle of’broader and thicker support’, we also decided to increase the amount of support.

The general industry and the prohibited collective business are divided into two stages, so if the damage is large, we decided to give more support.

General businesses such as travel and other businesses that are prohibited from collectively, such as indoor sports facilities, are mentioned as benefits.

In addition, we have decided to temporarily support electricity bills for businesses that are restricted or prohibited from gathering.

[허영 / 더불어민주당 대변인 : 정부의 방역 규제를 받은 소상공인들의 공과금 부담 완화의 일환으로 전기요금을 3개월간 집합금지 업종 50%, 집합제한 업종 30% 감면하기로 했습니다.]

The party government plans to process the supplementary bills submitted to the National Assembly on the 4th by mid-term, and make payments within March.

However, as the opposition party is critical of the formation of the supplementary administration, it seems inevitable that a conflict will be inevitable during the deliberation process.

YTN Song Jae-in[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
