[정치]North Korean missile launches released belatedly…’exploration war’ with low-intensity provocation


It was announced late that North Korea launched two short-range cruise missiles on the 21st.

This is the first time since the establishment of the Biden government, through low-intensity protests,

Until it is released to the US media, neither the US nor the North Koreans disclose the fact of the launch, resulting in several interpretations.

Reporter Kim Moon-kyung reports.


Early in the morning on the 21st,

North Korea launched two short-range missiles from the Oncheon area of ​​South Pyongan Province into the West Sea.

This fact was known through the US media three days after the launch, and our military confirmed it later.

The military said the missiles fired were cruise missiles, and they were verified in real time but did not disclose any information.

Unlike in the past, we have closed our mouths about flying distances and specific specifications.

North Korea, which had disclosed missile launches through the media, continued to remain silent.

This is unusual considering the first missile launch this year.

However, it seems that the water level was adjusted by selecting cruise missiles rather than ballistic missiles subject to UN sanctions.

[박원곤 / 이화여대 북한학과 교수 : 아직 공식적인 미국의 입장이 나오지 않은 상태에서 먼저 압박의 수위를 높이거나 압력을 가했다는 인상을 주지않기 위해 적절한 접점을 찾은 것이 바로 순항미사일이라고 판단합니다.]

President Biden said it was the same as usual, and he did not weigh it, stressed that it is a routine experimentation by senior US officials, and that it does not violate the resolutions of the UN Security Council.

However, it is remarkable that North Korea announced at the 8th Party Congress in January that it developed a medium- and long-range cruise missile.

There are some observations that it can be used as a card to weigh North and South-North relations in the future.

[신종우 / 국방안보포럼 사무국장 : 북한이 지난 당 대회에서 중장거리 순항미사일 개발을 언급한 만큼 향후 남북-북미관계에 따라 사거리를 늘린 추가 시험발사를 할 수도 있을 것으로 보입니다.]

While North Korea continues to remain silent about missile launches, South Korea and the United States also belatedly disclose the facts of the launch.

YTN Kim Moon-kyung[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
