[정치]North Korean media criticize Ramsay for the first time… “A ugly money bug wearing a scholar’s clothing”


North Korea has also accused North Korea of ​​controversial professor Mark Ramsayer of Harvard University Law School, who claimed that the victims of Japanese military comfort women were voluntary prostitutes.

Also, on the occasion of the March Day, a documentary focused on the victims of comfort women in North Korea was aired, drawing attention.

Reporter Hwang Hye-kyung reports.


The North Korean propaganda media, “Chosun Today,” posted a talk with the director of the Institute for History of Social Sciences.

Introducing Professor Mark Ramsey’s thesis, which was the first North Korean media to define victims of Japanese military comfort women as voluntary prostitutes.

They accused him of wearing a scholar’s mask and defending and defending Japan’s shameless and shameless man-dong.

In particular, Professor Ramsey said that he was a thorough pro-Japanese molecule who was sponsored by Mitsubishi, a Japanese war criminal company, and received the Japanese’Rising Sun Flag’ medal.

He added that all humans, including South Korea, are insisting that Professor Ramsey apologize and withdraw the thesis.

Although it is an external propaganda medium that North Koreans cannot access, the fact that he participated in the criticism of Professor Ramsey attracts attention by specifically mentioning the activities of our civil society groups such as the’Justice Memory Solidarity’.

Earlier, North Korea aired 50 minutes of recordings related to comfort women, including the testimony of Park Young-sim, a comfort woman victim in North Korea, who died in 2006 on the occasion of Section 3.1.

North Korea argued that the crimes of sexual slavery committed by the Japanese colony before mankind had no statutes and that the Korean people would end up paying bloody accounts.

[조선중앙TV : 20만, 그 수는 20만에 달했습니다. 참으로 인류전쟁사의 그 어느 갈피에서도 찾아볼 수 없는 전무후무한 반인륜적 범죄행위였습니다.]

In particular, he stressed that the comfort women issue was a national crime committed by the Japanese Ministry of Home Affairs, the military and the Korean government-general, etc.

This is YTN Hwang Hye-kyung.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
