[정치]North Korean Human Rights Resolution Adopted Tomorrow…Government’s Last-minute Suffering


Ahead of the UN’s adoption of the North Korean human rights resolution, the government’s last-minute hardships are deepening.

After three years of joining the US government as a co-sponsor of the resolution and publicly condemning North Korea’s human rights abuses, it has been in an embarrassing situation.

Reporter Lee Kyo-jun.


The North Korean human rights resolution to be adopted by the UN Human Rights Council is scheduled to contain content that intensively condemns North Korea’s human rights abuses.

Currently, 43 countries, including the European Union, have participated as co-sponsors, but the Korean government is struggling at the last minute.

Since 2019, it has not been a co-proposal country and has only participated in the agreement.

This is because they were concerned about the impact on inter-Korean relations, such as North Korea’s backlash.

However, this year, the US government participated as a co-sponsor after three years, and the concerns grew even more.

Unlike the Trump administration, the Biden administration publicly criticizes the human rights issue in North Korea and is pressing against North Korea.

[토니 블링컨 / 미국 국무장관 (17일) : 북한의 권위주의 정권은 북한 주민들을 대상으로 조직적이고 광범위한 인권 유린을 계속 자행하고 있습니다. 우리는 기본적 권리와 자유를 지켜야 하고, 이를 억압하는 사람들에 맞서야 합니다.]

In a recent human rights report, the US State Department pointed out that human rights abuses are being committed in 23 items, including torture and political prison camps in North Korea.

Under this stance, it is highly likely to raise the level of human rights offensive against North Korea apart from the North Korean nuclear issue in the future.

However, North Korea is fiercely opposing the US government’s pressure movement, saying it is interfering with internal affairs.

North Korea’s Foreign Ministry confronts the human rights violations of Western countries as an ultra-modern problem that the international community needs to correct, and a subtle nervous war between North America is unfolding.

YTN Kyojun Lee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
