[정치]North Korea “You can go back to the spring day three years ago depending on the attitude of the South”


North Korea said at the 8th Party Congress yesterday that it is entirely up to the South Korean government to recover from inter-Korean relations and that it could return to the spring day three years ago.

However, he added a clue that the import of advanced military equipment and the joint military exercises between Korea and the United States should be stopped.

We will connect reporters to learn more. Reporter Hwang Hye-kyung!

Did you hear specific mentions related to inter-Korean relations at the North Korean party conference?


Yes, North Korea reported in great detail yesterday at the 8th party conference on the report made by Chairman Kim Jong-un over the course of nine hours, saying that it went into debate after completing four reports in the field.

The main thing that catches the eye is the inter-Korean relations and external relations.

First of all, Chairman Kim Jong-un pointed out that the Korean nation is at a critical crossroads as to whether the Korean nation is going to overcome the serious stalemate in inter-Korean relations and move toward peaceful reunification, or continues to suffer divisions from the vicious circle of confrontation and the danger of war.

In particular, he added that it is not an exaggeration to say that the current state of inter-Korean relations has returned to before the announcement of the Panmunjom Declaration.

However, the South Korean authorities are currently giving the impression that they are interested in improving inter-Korean relations, but they continue to ignore their repeated warnings that the import of advanced military equipment and joint military exercises with the United States should be stopped.

He warned that when our government pushes them against them with double and unfair accidents, they have no choice but to deal with South Korea differently.

However, if the Korean government strictly manages anti-unification behavior and fundamentally eliminates it, the way to improve inter-Korean relations based on solid trust and reconciliation will be opened. I emphasized that I could go back to.


Compared to what has been consistent with inter-Korean relations in the past, it seems to have been a step forward. Was there any mention of North American relations?


Yes, there was a rather strong voice against the United States.

Chairman Kim Jong-un pointed out that no matter who is in power in the United States, the reality of the United States and the true spirit of the Daejeon Line policy never change, the newspaper reported that he emphasized strategically establishing a strategy toward the United States and continuing to expand anti-disciplinary capacity and solidarity.

In particular, he added that the strategy of confronting hostile forces and powerful powers should be consistently maintained.

He also mentioned that foreign political activities should be focused and directed to subduing and subduing the basic obstacle of the revolution, the largest main enemy, the United States.

However, he said that the key to establishing new US-US relations lies in the US withdrawing its hostile policy against North Korea, leaving room for dealing with the US on the principle of Kang Dae-gang and the first presidential line.

They also reaffirmed that they are responsible nuclear powers and that they will not abuse nuclear weapons unless invasive hostile forces target them and use them.

In addition, the newspaper reported over the past four days the discussions at the party conference, such as the socialist construction sector and economy.

He stressed that the five-year strategy for national economic development was not based on scientific grounds, and emphasized that the next five-year plan should establish a solid foundation for revitalizing the people’s economy as a whole and improving people’s lives.

In addition, in the field of defense, he said, the goal was to further advance nuclear technology and improve the accuracy rate of accurately destroying strategic targets within a range of 15,000 km, thereby enhancing nuclear preemptive and retaliatory strike capabilities.

This is YTN Hwang Hye-kyung.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
