[정치]North Korea warns of “US infringement on self-defense right for missile test”… additional provocations


As North Korea strongly opposed President Biden’s condemnation of the launch of ballistic missiles, a tense nervous war continues between North America.

North Korea has warned of further provocations, accusing the United States of blatantly violating the sovereign state’s right to self-defense.

Reporter Lee Kyo-jun.


Byung-cheol Lee, secretary of the Labor Party’s Central Committee and Vice Chairman of the Central Military Committee, gave a blitz of speech.

This is the first foreign message from the second North Korean soldier, which is stronger than the talk of Labor Vice President Kim Yeo-jeong and the first injury of the Foreign Ministry, Choi Sun-hee.

Secretary Lee Byung-cheol said that the launch of a ballistic missile on the 25th is an act that belongs to the sovereign state’s right to self-defense.

He accused the President of the United States of saying that it was an outright violation and provocation of the state’s right to self-defense.

At his first press conference after taking office, President Biden warned of a head-to-head response, pointing out that North Korea’s missile tests violated UN Security Council resolutions.

In response, Secretary Lee Byung-cheol said he thought that the new regime in the United States had taken the wrong start, and warned that if you can’t calculate anything and say anything, you will face bad things.

He emphasized that he must have the right to self-defense to subdue the US military threats on the US mainland, and that he will continue to develop its overwhelming military power.

This is a reaffirmation that the Chairman of the State Council Kim Jong-un will promote the development of new weapons such as tactical nuclear weapons in accordance with the plan to strengthen national defense power declared at the 8th Party Congress.

Accordingly, it is feared that there is a possibility that, while observing the reaction of the United States in the future, there is a possibility of launching the strategic weapons such as intercontinental ballistic missiles, ICBM, submarine launch ballistic missiles, and SLBM test launches.

[박원곤 / 이화여대 북한학과 교수 : 북한이 순항미사일로 시작해서 이번 리병철 담화에서도 예고한 것처럼 앞으로 그들에게 익숙한 벼랑 끝 전술로 몰고 갈 가능성은 여전히 크다고 생각합니다.]

Among these, European members of the UN Security Council, including Britain and France, demanded a meeting on the 30th to discuss North Korea’s missile launch.

Earlier, the United States requested the convocation of the North Korea Sanctions Committee, which is one level lower than the Security Council meeting, but it is noted what level of policy toward North Korea will be presented through the last minute coordination between the ROK and the United States.

YTN Kyojun Lee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
