The Iskander-class missile launched by North Korea this time is one of the so-called new short-range three-piece sets.
It seems that the military authorities are also increasing their diligence as North Korea continues to improve the performance of short-range missiles aimed at us following the medium and long-range missiles aimed at the United States.
Reporter Kim Moon-kyung reports.
This is a new North Korean missile launched in Hamheung, South Hamgyeong Province in August 2019.
The first test-fired short-range missile flew over 400 km at an altitude of 48 km.
It has been observed as a North Korean version of the A-Ta-Kims missile, similar to the A-Ta-Kims missile, which is said to destroy 3-4 areas of a soccer field by loading hundreds of small ammunition on the warhead.
[北 조선중앙 TV : 새 무기의 시험사격결과를 보시고 당에서 구상하고 있던 또 하나의 새로운 무기가 나오게 됐다고 못내 기뻐하시며 커다란 만족을 표시하셨습니다.]
Prior to this, North Korea test-fired an Iskander-class missile.
As a short-range missile, it is a new type that is different from the’A Tae Kims’ estimated missile.
They all demonstrated pull-up maneuvers that rise again during the descent phase, but it seems that they were developed with the aim of neutralizing the ROK-US interceptor net.
The North Korean test fired this time by significantly increasing the range and warhead weight of the initial 240 km Iskander-class missile.
It is evaluated that it was aimed at loading tactical nuclear weapons when miniaturizing nuclear warheads.
[신종우 / 국방안보포럼 사무국장 : 기존 탄도미사일의 사거리를 꾸준히 늘려서 일본까지 타격할 수 있는 무기로 개발하려는 의도로 보이는데요, 탑재중량이 높은 전술핵을 멀리보내기 위해 엔진까지 개량이 이뤄지는 것 같습니다.]
In addition, we wanted to complete a short-range 3-piece set with a new large-caliber piloted firearm with a range of around 250km, and we also introduced a super-sized firearm that increased the range to around 400km.
The missile power is continuously strengthening, ranging from medium to long-range missiles such as SLBM, IRBM, and ICBM as well as new short-range ballistic missiles.
In response to North Korea’s behavior, the ROK and US military authorities are also building a multi-layered defense network, but strategic concerns continue that the effect of deterring North Korea’s missile development is not so great.
YTN Kim Moon-kyung[mkkim@ytn.co.kr]is.
[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]