[정치]North Korea stipulates’strengthening national defense power’ in party rules… emphasizes system governance


North Korea today revised the Party Code, clarifying the details of strengthening its national defense capabilities, and unveiled its policy of operating state administration for the new year.

Externally, it emphasized that it is a normal state and emphasized the system-based rule like China and Vietnam, where the party was the center.

Reporter Lee Seung-yoon on the report.


North Korea announced at the 8th Party Congress that it has “supplemented the reinforcement of the republic’s armed forces in terms of political ideology and military technology.”

It made it clear that strengthening national defense capabilities, such as nuclear submarines and hypersonic weapons, is an important direction for state administration in a situation where economic performance is difficult.

[북한 조선중앙TV : 국가 방위의 방위 역량, 혁명의 주력 군으로써 사회주의 조국과 당과 혁명을 무장으로 옹호, 보위하고….]

However, as in the Kim Jong-il era, it emphasized the control of the party so that the prestige of the military did not grow excessively due to’first military politics’.

After five years, we abolished the Party’s Political Affairs Bureau and revived the Secretariat, and began to strengthen’responsible management management’ centered on Chairman Kim Jong-un.

[홍현익 / 세종연구소 수석연구위원 : 당의 최고를 절대권력으로 가고 있는데, 유일사상으로 가는데 위원장이 너무 많아요. 위원장이라는 건 지상에 딱 한 명이다, 이런 식으로 해서 김정은만 위원장으로 남겨놓고 다른 사람들은 부위원장을 책임비서 이렇게 바꾸고….]

Measures have also been taken to show the face of a socialist state that operates through a system like China and Vietnam, not centered on top leaders.

The Party’s Political Bureau’s Standing Committee was reinforced to make decisions on urgent and critical issues politically, economically, and militaryly, and to deal with issues of appointment and dismissal of important state executives.

The convention was also regularly established every five years.

On the other hand, it has not yet adopted a decision containing the conclusion of the’Business Generalization’ which corresponds to the settlement of the Central Committee of the Party.

North Korea revealed that the 6th meeting is also continuing, so considering the election of the party’s central leadership, the schedule of the 8th party meeting is expected to be longer.

YTN Seungyoon Lee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
