[정치]North Korea Revises Party Regulations to Revise Defense Power…

North Korea “Strengthening Armed Forces in Political, Thought and Military Technology”
Party Protocol “Suppressing military threats with strong national defense power”
North Korea abolishes the Labor Party’s Political Affairs Bureau after 5 years… Secretariat Resurrection


North Korea revised the Party Code to clarify the details of strengthening its national defense capabilities, and revived the secretary system after five years.

In addition, the people’s mass-first politics are the basic socialist politics, and they are concerned with the management of public sentiment in a difficult economic situation.

We will connect the reporter by phone to find out more details. Reporter Seung-yoon Lee!

North Korea revised the Labor Party rules in 5 years and stated the details of strengthening national defense power?


The Chosun Central News Agency announced that it had adopted a decision on the revision of the Party Covenant at the 5th meeting of the 8th Party Congress held yesterday, and that it supplemented the contents of strengthening the republic’s armed forces in terms of political ideology and military technology.

In particular, he said that in the task of fighting for unification, he announced that he would protect the stability and peaceful environment of the Korean Peninsula by suppressing military threats with strong defense power.

By stipulating the strengthening of armed forces in the preface, it has stipulated that strengthening of national defense power such as nuclear submarines, ICBMs, and hypersonic weapons is a serious and permanent direction of state administration.

Let’s listen directly to the announcement of North Korean Chosun Joongang TV.

[북한 조선중앙TV : 우리 자체의 힘, 주체적 역량을 백방으로 강화하여 현존하는 위협과 도전들을 과감히 돌파하고, 우리식 사회주의 건설에서 새로운 비약을 일으키며 확실한 전진을 이룩해야 한다는 것입니다.]

In addition, at the 7th Party Congress in 2016, the Secretariat of the Labor Party was changed to the Political Affairs Bureau. After 5 years, the Political Bureau was abolished and the secretariat revived.

In 1966, the North Korean Labor Party abolished the position of chairman and vice-chairman of the party committee and implemented a secretary system, so this action can be interpreted as concentrating power through a’responsible management management’ system centered on Chairman Kim Jong-un.


However, at this party conference, there was a measure to emphasize the normal state in which governance based on the party-centered system was carried out?


North Korea reinforced the function of the Party’s Political Bureau Standing Committee to determine urgent and critical issues politically, economically, and militaryly, as well as addressing the issue of appointment and dismissal of important state executives.

This action is interpreted as an intention to show the face of a socialist state that moves through a system, such as China or Vietnam, rather than being centered on one supreme leader.

The congress also added that it will convene once every five years, but it seems that it also emphasized the fact that as a normal state, it governs based on the system.

It is also noticeable that people’s mass-first politics has been officially adopted as the basic socialist politics, which is interpreted as a level of public sentiment management.

In addition, he announced that the 6th day of the party conference is still in progress today, saying, “The conference continues,” while the decision containing the conclusion of the report on the Central Committee’s business summary has not yet been adopted.

Considering that the party convention in North Korea is usually held for about four days, it has been held for a long time.

YTN Lee Seung-yoon at the Ministry of Unification, Foreign Affairs and Security[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
